Mushrooms and Oak Trees

October 17, 2017

Be patient.

Life’s a marathon, so you’ve got to pace yourself.  The Bible says, “Let us run with patience the particular race that God has set out before us.” (Hebrews 12:1) Patience – That’s why each week I always give you one or two baby steps to take.  I always make sure you can take the message and apply it in a practical way.  Why?  Because if every week you take one or two baby steps, at the end of the year you’re much further down the road than you thought you’d be. 

When God wants to grow a mushroom, it takes Him six hours.  When God wants to grow an oak tree, it takes Him sixty years.  What do you want to be?  A mushroom or a mighty oak?  I want to be solid like an oak tree.  I want my life deeply rooted.  I want to be strong, stable, and secure, so that when the storms of life pound me … and when I get pounded by problems, and pressures, and poor health, and financial setbacks … whatever it is … it doesn’t blow me away, because I’m as solid as an oak. 

Don’t get impatient.  Don’t get in a hurry.  Just keep taking baby steps in the right direction.  And spend time focusing on Jesus every day.

Spend a little bit of time – I’m not talking about two hours, three hours.  Start with five minutes.  Ten minutes.  Fifteen minutes.  We call this a “quiet time.”  I don’t care when you do it.  The best time I think is in the morning.  Get up and you find your favorite chair and you sit down and spend some time.  You read the Bible for five minutes or maybe a daily devotional book.   Then you talk to God about the stuff that’s on your heart –

“Lord, here’s the stuff I’m worried about.  Lord, here’s the stuff that’s bugging me.  Here’s my schedule today.  I’m really stressed out; I need Your help.”

Here’s the thing.  The more time you spend with Jesus, the more you’re going to become like Jesus.  The more time you spend reading the Bible, the more you’re going to learn about His peace, His patience, His character in your life.           

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