Love Yourself

February 8, 2024

Nobody should think better of you than you do. 

Do you realize that the most important relationship that you have is with you

Do you realize that the most important relationship you have with any human being is with you?  You spend more time with you than anybody else.  You live with you, work with you, and even vacation with you! 

That becomes a real problem if you don’t like yourself.  Too many people don’t like who they are.   They focus on their faults and weaknesses.  They’re constantly kicking themselves.  And then they wonder why they’re not happy! 

The other big problem is:  If you don’t get along with you, you’re not going to get along with other people. 

Jesus told us this: “Love your neighbor as you love yourself.” (Mark 12:31)  

You can’t love others if you don’t first love yourself. 

And, so, the best thing you can do for neighbor … the best thing you can do for your family … the best thing you can do for your friends is …

  • Be good to you.
  • Be kind to you.
  • Be merciful to you.
  • Be forgiving to you.
  • Be loving to you.

You’re good to others, so why aren’t you good to you

  • You don’t criticize your friend, so why are you criticizing you?
  • You compliment your coworker, when was the last time you complimented you?
  • Start being good to you.

Someone once said, “I discovered the enemy.  It was me.” 

Are you your own worst enemy?  It’s time to be your own best friend. 

Stay positive toward yourself.  Nobody should think better of you than you do. 


February 8, 2024

Mark Your Calendar!
Class 101, Membership Information
“Souperbowl” Sunday
Rob Skiba at the Grind
Ash Wednesday Service, 7:00 p.m.
Class 301, Spiritual Maturity Begins
Myles Reed at the Grind
Ed Bentley at the Grind

Ash Wednesday

Join us Wednesday evening, February 14 at 7:00 p.m. as we mark the beginning of Lent with a poignant service.  We will turn our hearts toward the final days of our Lord’s earthly life.

Class 301, Discover Spiritual Maturity

Christ Church’s small group offers six sessions for getting involved in your church.  Participants learn  the five healthy habits that lead to a mature    Christian lifestyle.  Join Mike Curran Thursday, February 15 at 6:30 p.m. as the Bible Study begins.  The class will meet in the conference room in the main building.  This is a great follow-up to our Class 201. 

Please look for the sign-up sheets on the Information and Opportunities Table to see how you can “Plug In” for any of our winter classes.



What is the Bible?

The Bible isn’t a book; it’s a library. 

The Bible is …


  • A collection of 66 different books
  • Written in three languages
  • Across three continents
  • Over a 1,500-year time period
  • By 40 different authors


The authors include farmers and fishermen, shepherds and doctors, priests and prophets, philosophers and kings.


What is it?  It’s actually a collection of poems and prophesies, letters and laws, histories and biographies that shows us God’s love for us. 


And to understand the context of what you’re reading, when you open up the Bible, you’re always going to ask three questions …


Three Simple Questions


  • Who wrote it?
  • To whom was it written?
  • What is its purpose?


So, let’s practice this together.  We’ll open up the Bible to Philemon, and we’ll try to get the context as we go.  Philemon starts with these words …


Paul, a prisoner of Christ Jesus, and Timothy our brother, to Philemon our dear friend and fellow worker … and to the church that meets in your home … (Philemon 1:1-2)  


First of all:  Who wrote it?  Paul.  It’s the shortest letter he ever wrote – only 335 words. 


What’s interesting is that he identifies himself as “Paul, the prisoner.”  He doesn’t say, “Paul the apostle.”  Almost every other time, he says, “Paul the apostle.”  But here he writing to an old friend.  And he doesn’t want to pull his official rank on his friend. 


And the leads to our second question: To whom was it written?  It was written to Philemon, a wealthy businessman who led a church in his home, and was an old dear friend of Paul.    

When you start to understand the context, it comes alive for you. And to make it really speak to you, you begin to ask some very real questions. And so, the next thing you want to do is …
Read slowly and ask questions.
And I’ll tell you what you want to ask. We’re always going to ask the two biggest questions …
The Two Biggest Questions
• “What does this say about God?”
• “What is God saying to me?”
And, if you want to dig deep, try looking at every little SPECK on the page …
• Is there a SIN to be avoided?
• Is there a PROMISE to be claimed?
• Is there an EXAMPLE to follow?
• Is there a COMMAND to obey?
• Is there something to KNOW about God?
So, we’re going to read slowly, and ask questions, and look at every little SPECK on the page. And when you read the Bible like that, wow! It comes alive and the Holy Spirit can speak to you and begin to work on you from the inside.

January 5, 2024

Church Events
  • Jan 4—Art with a Heart at the Daily Grind 11-1:30
  • Jan 9—Winter Bible Study Begins at 6:00
  • Jan 18—Ministry Fair
  • Jan 20—Art with a Heart at the Daily Grind 11-1:30
  • Jan 21—Ministry Fair
  • Jan 21—Mike the Music Man at the Daily Grind 10-1
  • Jan 28—Ed Bentley at the Daily Grind 11-1
  • Feb 6—Class 101, Membership Information Class
  • Feb 15, Class 301, Discover Spiritual Maturity Begins


Our Community Food  Pantry Delivery Person

Did you know we are a drop  off location for the Southwick food pantry?  We would love  to have someone help deliver our generous donations to Our Community Food Pantry.  They’re located right down the road near McDonald’s.  If this sounds like a ministry you would enjoy, please speak to Kathy Elias at 413-569-5151, extension 15.


Our Community Food  Pantry

It takes a lot of work to help our neighbors in need.  Our local food pantry is looking for help with fundraising, grant writing, marketing and working with their wonderful volunteers!  Check out their website, for more information and a volunteer application.



December 8, 2023
Joseph got a message from an angel in a dream to take Mary as his wife.
He didn’t know any details. But he obeyed immediately.
And how does that hit you? How does that apply to you? Because let me tell you something: At some point God is going to speak to you – He is going to speak to you through His Word … He is going to speak to you through something you hear in this church … He is going to speak to you through a prompting in your heart from His Holy Spirit – and He is going to ask you to do something without knowing all the details.
Do you obey … or not?
What will that look like for you? I don’t know, but maybe it’s going to go like this …
• Maybe God is going to prompt you to give something. And you think, Yeah, but God … but God, things are really tight right now. Inflation is crazy and gas prices are up and … God is going to ask you to give something.
• Maybe it’s not give something; it’s give up something. God has been tugging at your heart, saying, You’re not living your best life. You need to change that habit. You need to get that area of your life under control.
• Maybe it’s not give or give up; it’s forgive. God is going to ask you to forgive somebody – somebody who offended you, who hurt you. Are they sorry? No. Have they apologized? No. Do they deserve your forgiveness? No. But God is asking you to forgive them – He is asking you to forgive them because if you hold on to that bitterness, you’re only going to poison yourself.
So, you have a choice to make. It may be difficult. And you may not have all the details. You don’t know what might happen. But God is prompting you.
And that’s when I would encourage you to remember:
Obedience is our responsibility –
the outcome is God’s.

December 8, 2023

December 8, 2023
Church Events
Dec. 7 and 10 ~A Manger Suite Musical Celebration at All Services 
Dec. 10, 11:00-1:00 ~Santa Visits the Daily Grind 
Dec. 10, 11:00-2:00 ~Acoustic Café at the Daily Grind—Rob Skiba 
Dec. 16, 6:00 p.m. ~Christmas with the Rattletones Concert 
Dec. 24, 5:00 p.m. ~Christmas Children’s Service Sunday
Dec. 24, 7:00, 8:30 & 10:00 pm ~Christmas Candlelight Services
Friday, Dec. 29 ~Christ Church serves dinner at the Westfield Soup Kitchen 
Raffle Baskets
Open Arms is bringing back Christmas Raffle Baskets this year. Baskets will be on display and tickets will be for sale between services on Sundays, December 10 and 17. This is a great fundraiser for Open Arms and the baskets make beautiful gifts! Winners will be drawn on Friday, December 22 just in time for Christmas. Winners do not need to be present to win.

November 10, 2023

  • Nov. 12 Women’s Ministry Craft Event
  • Nov. 12 Acoustic Café with Rob Skiba
  • Nov. 19 Acoustic Café with The Rattletones
  • Nov. 19 Operation Christmas Child Shoebox Donations Due
  • Nov. 19, 26 Thanksgiving Sundays
  • Nov. 26, Dec. 3 Children’s Pageant Rehearsals after 11:15 service
  • Nov. 26 Acoustic Café with Ed Bentley
  • Dec. 2 Church Decorating Day 1-5
  • Dec. 7 and 10 A Manger Suite
  • Dec. 10 Children’s Pageant
  • Dec. 16 Christmas Concert with the Rattletones 5 p.m.
  • Dec. 17 Adopt-A-Child Presents Due


What’s Your Plan?

November 10, 2023
If you want a better chapter, have a better plan.
What’s your plan?
• Some of you aren’t happy at your job. What’s your plan! Well, Jeff, my plan is to stay there forever and just keep complaining. You’re not a tree! If you don’t like where you are, move! Some of you listening to this talk today may be starting to think: Maybe I’m going to dust off my resume. Maybe I’m going to go back to school, or learn a trade, or start taking some courses online.
• Some of you might say, “Well, my marriage is struggling right now.” What’s your plan? You say: “We’re going to go to counseling. We haven’t been able to figure this out on our own and so we’re going to go and get some help clarifying things.”
• Financially, what’s your plan? Some of you might be acting like your plan is to spend more than you make. If that’s your plan, it’s not a good one. But you might crunch the numbers and say, “This boat won’t float.” So, you’re going to cut up your credit cards, start paying down your debt, work your plan and get out of trouble.
• What’s your health plan? Eat, sleep, eat some more. I mean, if you want to honor God with your health, create a plan. Here’s what I eat and when I eat. This is the time of day that I go for a walk or do a workout.
• How about friends? If all your friends are stoned 80% of the time, and they’re all broke, and they’re all far from God, maybe you need a different plan when it comes to the people you’re spending your life with. Because you’re going to become like the people you surround yourself with.
It is a Law of Life: The decisions you make today determine the story you tell tomorrow.
The decisions that you are making right now are writing the chapter that will be published tomorrow.
Let’s Pray.

I wonder how many of you would say, just real honestly now, there’s some part of your life that you wish wasn’t in this chapter.  You want something different.  You want something better.  You want something more.  It could be something for you; it could be something for someone you love.  But you’re asking God for a better chapter.

Father, I pray that even though we can’t see You now, we thank You that You are here – that You’re even with us in the chapters that we don’t understand.  So, help us trust You. 

And, Father, help us do our part – to create a plan and work hard.  But, Father, ultimately, we know that we depend on You.  Thank You for Your providence in our life.  You’re so good to us.  Thank You for the new chapter that You’re writing in our life. 

Thank You, Father, especially for your plan to save us and bring us home to heaven.  You sent Jesus to die for us.  That’s your plan.  You sent Jesus to defeat death.  That’s Your plan.  And I want to thank You for letting me be a part of it.  Thank You that there is a chapter of my life that is called “Heaven.”  And there is a chapter of my life that is called “Victory.”  And there is a chapter of my life that is called “Glory.” 

Thank You, Jesus, I pray this in Your Name.  Amen.


One Decision

October 13, 2023
What one decision could you make – what one action could you take – that would change the course of your life and legacy? One decision. One action. One choice.
If you need some help, my job is to help you.
• Some of you, you could cut up your credit cards. That one act would change your life.
• Others of you, you could be the first to apologize. “I’m sorry for my part of what went wrong.”
• Some of you, you could block that person who’s bringing you down. You don’t have to engage that person. You don’t have to be drawn into their drama.
• Some of you, you could admit you have an addiction and seek help. One decision. One action.
• Some of you, you could surrender something to God.
• Others of you, you could surrender someone to God.
• And every one of you could surrender yourself to God. You could get down on your knees and make Jesus – Jesus, the King of Kings – your king.
To get to the right place, you have to leave the wrong place.
Would you pray with me?
God, I’m going to leave where I’ve been … to go where I want to go. Because to get to the right place … you have to leave the wrong one.
So, God, I pray that You would show me the next step. Some of you already know what it is. It’s so obvious, you should have done it a year ago. Others of you, you’re just going to pray: “God, show me. What is it? What one choice, one act, one decision can change the course of my life and legacy?”
I don’t know what it is for everybody, but I do know the one thing that is for everybody … and that is Jesus. Jesus, the King of Kings, the Lord of Life, the Defeater of Death!
Some of you, you’ve played the game. You prayed the prayer. You grew up in the church. But you haven’t made Jesus the King of your life. It’s time to go back to Bethlehem … back to the One born in Bethlehem … Jesus, the Bread of Life.
In His Name we pray, Amen.

October 13, 2023

Church Events
  • Women’s Ministry—Pizza and Game Night Oct. 15
  • New Series on the Book of Ruth Begins  Oct. 15
  • Acoustic Café, Michael McEleney   Oct. 22
  • Acoustic Café, The Rattletones       Oct. 29
  • Women’s Ministry K Love Worship Concert Nov. 6
  • Women’s Ministry Craft Event        Nov. 12
  • Operation Christmas Child Gifts Due       Nov. 19


Playground Spruce Up

All the rain has made our playground mulch a little sparse looking.  We’d like to order a truckload and were wondering if you’d be available to help spread it around?  The rain has also made the weeds on the playground grow, maybe you’d be able to do some weeding and weed whacking?  Please let Kathy King know if you can help.  Kathy can be reached at 413-569-5151, extension 13.