More to Our God

September 8, 2023
Believe there is more to our God.
It says in the Book of Hebrews, “When we come to God, we must believe that He is.” (Hebrews 11:6)
It kind of sounds to me like the writer didn’t really finish the sentence. Believe that He is … what? The passage leaves it open-ended.
But maybe … maybe it’s worded this way intentionally … because God is everything you need Him to be.
• He is strength when you’re weak.
• He is healing when you’re sick.
• He is goodness when you need a good break.
• He is the way maker when you can’t see a way.
He is everything you need Him to be.
You may know God by one name. You know Him as your Savior. And that’s great. That’s the most important way. But you need to open up your Bible and find out what else He is.
Because there is more to our God.
• Do you know Him as the God of the broken-hearted, who can bring a comfort and peace beyond words?
• Do you know Him as a resurrection God, who can bring back parts of your life that you thought were dead?
• Do you know Him as an Ephesians 3:20 God – an Ephesians 3:20 God “who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think?”
• Do you know Him as a healer, a helper, a provider, a restorer, a God who gives beauty for ashes?
There is so much more to our God. Don’t keep Him in a box. Discover what else He is.

September 8, 2023

* Sept. 10—Acoustic Café with Rob Skiba, 11:00-2:00
• Sept. 11—Car Cruise at the Daily Grind, 5:00 to dusk
• Sept. 16—Morning Car Cruise & Crafts at the Grind 10:00 to 1:00
• Sept. 17—Acoustic Café with Ed Bentley, 11:00-1:00
• Sept. 19—Fall Bible Study Begins at 6:00
• Sept. 24—Acoustic Café with The Rattletones, 11:00-1:00
• Sept. 29—Christ Church serves at the Westfield Soup Kitchen
FALL BIBLE STUDY The Seven Churches of Revelation
Join us Tuesdays at 6:00 p.m. beginning Sept. 19. Greg Deily will facilitate an eight week Bible Study on the Seven Churches of Revelation. We will be looking at the wonderful encouragements and the strong warnings that Jesus gave directly to seven actual churches. And we’ll learn how these messages are still urgently relevant for Christian churches today. You won’t want to miss out, everyone is welcome, please join us at the “Undergrind” (the lower level of the Daily Grind)
Looking for a meeting? We host AA Meetings at the “Undergrind” (basement of the Daily Grind) Sundays at 7:00 p.m. and Wednesdays at 7:30 p.m. All are welcome! We are also hosting a Men’s AA Meeting on Saturday mornings at 8:00.

August 18, 2023

*Acoustic Café at the Daily Grind  -Rob Skiba         8-13   
*Gospel Concert with the Rattletones    8-19 7pm  
*Acoustic Café at the Daily Grind    -Ed Bentley        8-20  
*Acoustic Café at the Daily Grind    -Kent Besocke  8-27
*Cancer Awareness Memorial Golf Tournament    8-26 


Weeding or Carpet Cleaning?

Would either appeal to you?  Would you be able to adopt one of our mulched areas and keep it weed free?  Do you have a carpet steamer?  Perhaps you’d be willing to steam clean the carpet in the church area?  Please speak to Kathy King if you’d like to make either of these your summer ministry.  Kathy can be reached at 413-569-5151, extension 13.



Facing Your “What Ifs”

August 18, 2023

Facing the “What Ifs”

 Acknowledge your fear and choose to trust God.   

Whatever it is, acknowledge it honestly and make an intentional choice to trust the God of the universe.  I’m not saying: Bury your head in the sand; ignore it; nothing bad will ever happen to you.  What I am saying is: Whatever your fear is, do whatever you can do that is within your power to effectively minimize the risk.  Then, with every ounce of faith you have inside you, trust God for the things that are outside of your control. 

Let me say this clearly:  Do what you can do to minimize the risk.  Then, trust God for the things that only God can do, the things that are outside of your control.  I will give you an example in Scripture … 

Remember David who fought Goliath?  When David was just a young shepherd boy, he was chosen to be the next king of Israel.  It’s not a big shocker that this did not sit well with the current king sitting on the throne, King Saul.  Saul felt very threatened by this young up-and-comer, David.  Saul gave the order: “I want you to hunt down David and kill him!”  So David spent month after month hiding out in the hills, running for his life.  How did he overcome the fear? 

He said, “When I am afraid … In other words, sometimes it’s just too much for me.  And you can say that, too.  “When I’m afraid about losing my job or losing my house, when I’m afraid of what the future might hold …”  David said, “I will trust in You.”  “I choose to trust that You are in control of all the things that are out of my control. 

David said, “In God, whose Word I praise, in God I trust; I will not be afraid.” (Psalm 56:3-4)  Just say, “God, here’s what I’m afraid of, but I choose to trust You no matter what.  In God I trust; I will not be afraid!”  

July 7, 2023

  • Christ Church Celebrates Independence Day!   7/2
  • Acoustic Café with Rob Skiba 7/9
  • Cruisin’ the Grind Car Shows at the Daily Grind     7/10, 7/17,   7/24, 7/31
  • The Valley Kats play at the Daily Grind Car Show 7/10
  • Acoustic Café with Ed Bentley 7/16
  • Acoustic Café with Chris Shea 7/22
  • Acoustic Café with Bob Allen and Chris Mastroianni 7/23
  • The Rattletones Host Gospel Concert  8/19
  • Cancer Awareness Golf Tournament  8/26


July, 7, 2023
To feel like a champion, be confident of victory.
For we are more than conquerors! Dear friends, could the Bible state that any more clearly? For we are more than conquerors! We are champions!
After a forest fire in Yellowstone National Park, forest rangers hiked up a mountain to assess the damage. One ranger found a bird literally petrified in ashes, perched like a statue on the ground at the base of a tree. Bending to take a closer look, he touched the bird with a stick. As it rolled over, three tiny babies scurried out from under their dead mother’s wings. The loving mother, aware of the impending disaster, had carried her children to the base of the tree and had gathered them under her wings, instinctively knowing that the toxic smoke would rise. She could have flown to safety, but she refused to abandon her children. She had been willing to die so that those under the cover of her wings would live.
The Bible says, “He will cover you with His wings and you will find refuge.” (Psalm 91:4) Maybe you’re feeling the heat right now. But you are more than a conqueror! Jesus died for you. On the cross, He spread out His arms to shield you. No matter what you’re going through, He’s got you covered.
One day I received a call. “Jeff, mom is dying. She is not expected to live through the day. Can you come and give her last rites, a final blessing?”
When I arrived at the nursing home, I found an aged woman, her face lined, her breathing labored. Laura, a member of our church, stood beside her bed, holding her hand.
I said, “Laura, when she entered this world, a priest said these words over her as she was baptized. I say them to her now as she prepares to leave this world and enter the next … In the Name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Receive the Holy Cross both upon the head and upon the heart marking you as one redeemed by Christ the Crucified.” I slowly made the sign of the cross over her, preparing her for heaven.
And then, these words came to me, popping fully formed into mind, these words I bring to you today: “For we are more than conquerors through Christ who loves us! For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord!” A short time later, she breathed her last.
Some of you are thinking, Jeff, she is not a conqueror. She is aged and worn. The cold hands of death are wrapped around her. No, the hands of victory are lifting her. The Risen Christ, bursting with triumph and victory and unquenchable life, is claiming her as his own. She is marked by the cross and registered as a citizen of the Kingdom. She now walks in the golden light of heaven. She is more than a conqueror!
Hear again these words! “If God is for us, how can we lose? …. For we are more than conquerors through Christ who loves us!”

June 2, 2023

Church and Daily Grind Events
• June 4—Acoustic Café with Ed Bentley 11-1
• June 5, 12, 19, 26—Cruisin’ the Grind Car Shows 5:00
• June 11—Acoustic Café with Rob Skiba 11-2
• June 18—Happy Father’s Day, Enjoy a “Pop” Sicle with Dad!
• June 18—Acoustic Café with Bob Allen 11-1
• June 21—Alzheimer’s Association Longest Day Fundraising Event 4:30-7:30
Mike Hague and Linda Matthews
Many thanks to Mike and Linda for leading our First Communion Class this year! We had a big group wrapping up the class on May 21. Mike and Linda also host our Discovery Hour Program for children during our 10:15 service each week. We can’t thank them enough for all the time and effort they put into working with the children of our church.
The Longest Day
Come out with your family and friends for the Alzheimer’s Association Longest Day fundraising event Wednesday, June 21 from 4:30 to 7:30 p.m. on our front lawn. There will be vendors, food trucks, raffles, a children’s area and a Zumba class! Please bring a donation for the Alzheimer’s Association and wear PURPLE!
Cancer Awareness Memorial Golf Tournament
Come for fun and join the fight for a cure! The 15th Annual Elsie Osman and Esther Cressotti Cancer Awareness Memorial Golf Tournament is Saturday, August 26 with a 1:00 shotgun start time. Please contact Leah Cressotti at 413-204-1730 for more information.
You won’t want to miss all the exciting summer fun! Beginning Monday, June 5 we’ll have a classic car show at the Daily Grind each Monday from 5:00 p.m. until dusk. DJ Bruce Marshall from the Valley’s Classic Hits, 97.7 FM will be there to play classic hits and run raffles. Come enjoy classic cars, classic hits, raffles, prizes and of course, great food and drinks!

Rise Above It

June 2, 2023

One time Jesus was asleep on a small boat when suddenly a big storm came up.  The winds were fierce and the waves were pounding the boat. The disciples got all upset.  They said, “Jesus, wake up!  We’re about to die!”  Jesus got up and simply spoke to the storm.  He said, “Peace, be still.”  Instantly, the wind was quiet and the Sea of Galilee became as smooth as glass.  Now, the reason Jesus was able to remain calm in that situation was because He had peace inside Himself.  In other words, He was in the storm, but He didn’t let the storm get into Him.  You can be in the storm, but don’t let the storm get into you. 

Peace is not the absence of trouble.  Peace is not the absence of conflict.  You can have trouble and conflict all around you on the outside, yet have real peace on the inside.  Yes, you can be in the storm, but don’t let the storm get into you! 

Somebody may be rude to you on the phone.  You may want to jump down their throat.  Instead say, “No, I’m not going to allow this to upset me.  I’ve got a gentle spirit.  I’m cool, calm, and confident.”

Or perhaps your boss doesn’t give you the credit you deserve.  You didn’t get the big promotion you were hoping for.  Say something like, “That’s okay.  I know God is in control.  I know God has something better in store for me.”

Maybe you say, “Well, Jeff, I’m upset because this man walked out of our relationship.  It was wrong.  It was just so unfair.  I want to call him up and let him have a piece of my mind.”  No, if you’ll keep your gentle spirit, God will bring somebody better into your life.  He’ll take what the enemy meant for evil and turn it around and use it to your advantage.  But you’ve got to do your part and stay calm and confident.  Don’t live upset and worried and frustrated.”        

You can be like the Apostle Paul.  Paul experienced all kinds of heartache.  People did unfair things to him, others lied about him.  But he said, “In spite of all these things, we are more than conquerors.”  That’s the kind of attitude that we need to have.  Don’t just use your faith to get rid of your problems.  Use your faith to remain calm in the midst of your problems.  Say it again:

“I am confident.  I am secure.  I can rise above this.”
Dear Lord, I am confident. I am secure. I can rise above this.
I am confident … I am confident because I know You want to bless me and You long to be good to me. I can’t see how this will work out, but that’s okay. It’s Your job to work it out. It’s my job to trust You, and just keep a gentle spirit when I’m going through it. I know that goodness and mercy are following me all the days of my life and all things are working together for good in my life. I am confident of this. I am confident that a lot more is going on than I can see with my human eyes.
I am secure … I am secure because You will never leave me nor forsake me. I have nothing to fear. With Your help and blessing, a spider’s web can be stronger than a brick wall!
I will rise above this … Dear Lord, with You right there beside me, with Your presence calming me, I can be in the storm without letting the storm get into me. I can stay cool, calm, and confident. I can rise above it, like an eagle.
Lord, thank You for giving me a gentle spirit – even when I’m at the center of the storm. Amen.

Full of Joy!

May 4, 2023

Happiness is based on circumstances.  Joy is based on Christ

When missionaries in the northern part of Alaska were trying to translate the Bible for the Eskimos, they had some difficulty.  When you go to translate the Bible in any culture, there’s always a difficulty translating some words that are foreign to that culture.  For example, there was no word in the Eskimo language for joy.  They had, like, 200 words for snow and, like, 300 words for ice.  But they had not one word for joy. 

So, the translators looked around and they saw the happiest, most joyful moment in that Eskimo village was in the evening when they fed their sled dogs.  They’d go out with the food, and the dogs would yelp and jump and wag their tails and get all excited.  And so, they pulled the word for joy out of that experience: “wagging their tails.” 

So, when you translate the Bible passage where it says, “After the resurrection, when the disciples saw Jesus alive, they were full of joy,” for the Eskimos, it would read, “When the disciples saw Jesus alive, they wagged their tails!”  Full of joy!  (John 20:20) 

Our tails ought to be wagging every day because we know that Jesus Christ is alive!  He is risen!  He is triumphant!  He is victorious!  And He promised to share His victory with us! 

On Easter Sunday, He came out of that tomb more alive than any man who ever walked this earth!  And He smiled a smile … He smiled a smile that would light up the whole world.  And He said, “Because I live, you will live also!”  (John 14:19) “Because I live, you will win also!” (Point to individuals) You will win!  You will win!  And you will win! 

Would you make this your prayer? 

Lord of Life, Lord of Joy, thank You for giving me a joy deep inside!  I know all things are working together for good.  Things are turning around right now to my benefit.  I know You are in control.  I know You love me.  I know You will never, never, never leave me.
Lord Jesus, the Real Jesus, there’s a reason they call You the Lord of Love. Send Your Holy, happy, healthy Spirit inside me. Live through me, love through me, so that when people see me, they see love.
In Your Name I pray, Amen.

May 4, 2023

Church and Daily Grind Events
  • 5/7  Acoustic Café with  Rob Skiba                              
  • 5/14  Mother’s Day              
  • 5/14  Acoustic Café with Ed Bentley                   
  • 5/7, 5/14  First Communion Class Meets at 11:15              
  • 5/21  First Communion Class Meets at 10:15 
  • 5/21  First Communion during 11:15 Service      
  • 5/21  Acoustic Café with The Rattletones 
  • 5/28 Acoustic Café with Kent Besocke 
Bible Study
A Women’s Bible Study using “The Chosen” season 1 as a springboard for reflection and discussion began on Wednesday, April 12 at 7:00 p.m. and will continue until June 7.  Each week we will reflect on and discuss two episodes.  You can watch episodes prior to the Bible Study at  The study is facilitated by Laura Simoneau and Karen Sheffer and will meet in the church area. All welcome!

Fishing Trip

We would like to know how many people are interested in   an ocean fishing trip.  We would need at least six people to charter a boat and there are several different options available.  Please look for a sign up sheet expressing interest on the Information and Opportunities Table.