Generous People Round Up

November 11, 2022
Generous people always “round up.”
A man went out for lunch one Sunday after church and the server was unfriendly – like, way unfriendly. But when it came time to settle up at the end, he felt something. He said, “It’s like the Holy Spirit said to me, ‘Round up! Bless her with a bigger tip than she’d normally get.” So, he did, and didn’t think anything more about it.
The next Sunday in church, he turned around and who was sitting right behind him? You guessed it! His server from last Sunday!
She said, “I knew you went to this church because you always came into the restaurant after church. I didn’t really like God, or like church, or like what I thought I knew about you. That’s why I was unfriendly to you. I knew I wasn’t good to you, but you still were good to me. So, I thought, You know, maybe somebody like me should use a church like that!
She went to church that Sunday … and that Sunday was the day her life changed … just by one small and simple act of rounding up.
That’s what generous people do. Wise old King Solomon said it this way: “All day long selfish people crave and crave, but the righteous gives and does not hold back.” (Proverbs 21:26)
We don’t hold back – we round up!
You see it over and over again in the Bible …
• The Good Samaritan is walking along, and he sees a man beaten and left for dead. He doesn’t say, “Stinks to be you, buddy.” No, he gets him a hotel room and Scripture says, “The next day he handed the innkeeper two silver coins, telling him, ‘Take care of this man. If his bill runs higher than this, I’ll pay you the next time I’m here.’” (Luke 10:35) He rounded up!
• Zacchaeus – same thing. Zacchaeus was a crook who stole from people. But one day he experienced the life-transforming love of Jesus, and he decided not just to give back, but to round up! He said, “If I have cheated anybody out of anything, I will pay back four times the amount!” (Luke 19:8) That’s way rounding up!
• And Jesus taught this principle: “If someone demands your shirt, give him your really cool jacket, too. If someone says, go one mile, round up and go two miles!” (Matthew 5:40-41)
And, so, how about you?
The next time you’re contemplating, Should I give a lower amount or a higher amount on a tip? – be a blessing and round up!
• If you’re going to make a meal for someone, don’t just make a meal, make an appetizer and a dessert. Round up! Come on – you’re generous! It’s who you are!
• If you’re going to give someone a gift card to go out to dinner, hey, babysit their kids too! Because generous people round up!
And so, here’s the thing: If you want to be generous when you have more, learn to be generous when you have less. You pre-decide – because generous isn’t just what we do, generous is who we are.
But I promise you, it’s never going to be accidental. Generous people – they plan to do what is generous, and they stand firm in their generosity. We stand firm. We’ve already decided. We round up.
Why? Because we serve the most generous God you can ever imagine … who pre-decided to send His one and only Son that we might live the ultimate life!

October 7, 2022

Fall Artisan Market at the Daily Grind 10/2
Parables of Jesus Bible Study Meets 10/4, 10/11, 10/18, 10/25
Acoustic Café with Rob Skiba 11-2 10/9
Acoustic Café with Shea and Co. and the Mill River Rounders 5-8 10/22
Acoustic Café with the Rattletones 11-1 10/16
Operation Christmas Child shoebox donations due at the church 11/20
AA Meetings at the “Undergrind” (basement of the Daily Grind) Sundays at 7:00 p.m. and Wednesdays at 7:30 p.m.
Springfield Rescue Mission’s Undie Sunday
Donating a new set of underclothing is an easy way to show the love of Christ to someone who has not had a clean pair of undergarments for months. Together we will make sure no child and no adult faces the humiliation of going without clean underwear.  Look for the Springfield Rescue Mission donation bin this month as you exit the church.

In Your Anger

The Bible says in Ephesians 4:26: “In your anger, do not sin” – which implies that it’s not a sin to get angry. It’s going to happen. Getting angry is inevitable. Living angry is a choice.
I try to remind myself that there’s simply no upside in getting angry. There’s no win. There’s no victory. I’ve never in my life become more joyful … by getting ticked off at someone. My marriage has never gotten better … by getting annoyed at my wife. I’ve never gotten closer to God … by getting angry.
Let me say it again: Getting angry is inevitable. But living angry is a choice.
That’s why the Bible says you’ve got to be really, really careful when it comes to anger. Because if you hold onto that anger, what you’re actually doing is giving the devil a foothold in your life.
I used to think that “giving the devil a foothold” meant don’t let the devil get his foot in the door – like someone knocks on your door, you open it a crack to see who it is, and the person puts his foot in the opening so you can’t get rid of him.
But the actual Greek word for foothold is even more dramatic than that. It’s the word “topos.” It literally means a place or a room.
So, if you live in anger, you’re actually giving the devil a place inside your mind. It’s like you’re building him a little apartment in your brain. Isn’t that crazy? Here’s how crazy that is – He’s your enemy, your accuser, the prince of lies, and you’re letting him live rent free in your head.
And that’s why there’s a powerful part of this verse that I don’t want you to miss. It says: “Do not let the sun go down on your anger.”
In other words, don’t hang onto it. Don’t let the day come to an end while you’re still holding and harboring your anger. The day of your hurt should also be the day of your healing.

September 9,2022

  • Artisan Fair on the Daily Grind Green                            9/11    
  • Acoustic Café with Heather and Dave                            9/11
  • Book Signing at the Daily Grind                                         9/11
  • Car Cruise Nights    9/12, 9/19
  • New Bible Study on the Parables of Jesus Begins 9/13
  • Acoustic Café with the Rattletones 9/25
  • Artisan Fair on the Daily Grind Green 10/2
New Series Starts September 25
New Series Launches September 25
From the headlines to social media comments, to the person who just cut you off in traffic … there are plenty of opportunities to take offense each day!
But what if we decide to respond differently to those around us?
Together, let’s learn how to live with … No Offense.
Don’t miss a single week of this timely, hard-hitting series. Join us live or online each week!
Ministry Opportunity: Westfield Soup Kitchen
It’s our church’s turn to feed the hungry on Friday, September 30. As always we will need people to help prepare and serve the meal and some food items may need to be donated. Please contact Barb Perry at to see how you can help.


Think about a seed …
You can have an apple seed on your desk for a lifetime, but it will never become an apple tree … until you put it in the ground. Its potential will never be released … until it’s planted.
As long as it’s sitting there on the desk, it will stay nice and comfortable, and it won’t have to stretch or deal with any adversity. But the seed’s potential will stay locked up on the inside.
If you were to ask that seed, I’m sure it would say, “I don’t want to go into the dirt. It’s dark, it’s lonely, and it uncomfortable when people walk all over you.”
The seed feels as though it’s been buried, as though it’s the end, but what the seed doesn’t know is that it’s not buried – it’s planted!
It has the life force of Almighty God on the inside. That dark place, buried in the dirt – that’s what brings out the beautiful flower, that’s what brings out the fruit, that’s what brings out the growth!
That’s why Jesus said, “Unless a kernel of wheat is planted in the soil and dies, it remains alone. But if it dies, it will produce much fruit.” (John 12:24)
You may feel today like you’re in a dark place. None of us likes to be planted; it’s uncomfortable, it’s lonely. But in those dark places you have to remind yourself that new growth is on the way.
Even though it feels like something’s dying, something else is coming to life. You’re not buried; you’re planted. When you come out, you’re going to bear much fruit.
My challenge to you is this: Be willing to go through the process. Dare to trust God. You’re not buried; you’re planted. It’s just a matter of time before you break out and blossom … into who you were created to be.

August 12, 2022

Church  and Daily Grind Events
Artisan Market on the Daily Grind Green 8-14
Acoustic Café at the Daily Grind with Rob Skiba 8-14
Acoustic Café at the Daily Grind with Chris Mastroianni 8-21
Cancer Awareness Memorial Golf Tournament 8-27
Weather permitting, we are hosting a classic car show at the Daily Grind each Monday from 5:00 p.m. until dusk. DJ Bruce Marshall from the Valley’s Classic Hits, 97.7 FM is playing classic hits and running raffles. Come enjoy classic cars, great music, raffles, prizes and of course, delicious food and drinks. Don’t miss all the fun!
Barb Perry & the Westfield Soup Kitchen Crew
There is a great group of people feeding the hungry every fifth Friday. Barb Perry, Lisa Lemon, Tom Zotter, Elizabeth Methe, Marie Tanguay, Martine Iampietro, Dick Caruso, Jim Davenport, Hoyt Willis and several others make sure no one goes hungry! Thank you everyone!

You Are Amazing

If you’re going to recognize your value, you have to see yourself as amazing, as wonderful! 

I read that the football jersey Tom Brady wore during Superbowl LI is worth $500,000.  Wait a minute!  I can go on Amazon and buy the same exact jersey for $139.  Same size, same cut, same color!  What’s the difference?  Who it belongs to!   Only one belongs to Tom Brady.  That makes it valuable. 

The Bible says you belong to God.  You may feel average.  You may think you look ordinary and there’s nothing special about you.  But because of Who you belong to, that makes you extremely valuable.

My challenge to you today is this:  Don’t let anybody make you feel inferior.  Don’t let your own thoughts push you down.  Put your shoulders back.  Stand tall.  You belong to God. 

So, guess what?  You have nothing to prove.  

Just be who you are.  Be … amazing!  

If you do this, I am here to tell you right now …

You will become the masterpiece that God designed you to be.

July 8, 2022

Church Events
  • Christ Church Celebrates Independence Day!               7/3
  • Cruisin’ the Grind Car Shows at the Daily Grind            7/11, 7/18,  7/25
  • The Valley Kats play at the Daily Grind Car Show                    7/18
  • Christ Church Prepares Food for Our Community Table         7/29
  • Artisans Market on the Daily Grind Green            8/14
  • Cancer Awareness Golf Tournament  8/27


Westfield Soup Kitchen

It’s our church’s turn to feed the hungry on Friday, July 29.  As always we will need people to help prepare and serve the meal and some food items may need to be donated.  Please contact Barb Perry at to see how you can help.


You Are Fully Loaded

July 8, 2022

Let me tell you something … You are like an expensive sports car – you come fully loaded. 

When God created you, He put in you everything you would need to live a rich meaningful life.  He put in you everything you need to fulfill His plan for your life. 

God is a strategic God.  He’s not random.  He didn’t just create you and say, “Hmmm.  Let’s just see what happens.  Let’s see what he can do.” 

No, God is precise.  He’s intentional.  Down to the smallest detail.  And when He laid out a plan for your life, He studied it carefully.  He thought about what you would need, and what it would take to get you there.  And then He matched you with your world.  

He gave you the talent you would need, the creativity, the strength.  You’re the right size, and you have the right looks, the right personality, and the right family.  You didn’t get shortchanged.  You are completely equipped for the race that’s been designed for you. 

Don’t say: “If I had a better personality, I could do something great … If I was more outgoing … If I came from a different family … If I weren’t so small.” 

Let me tell you something: If you needed to be taller, God would have made you taller.  If you needed a different personality, He would have given you a different personality.  If you needed to be a different nationality, you would be different nationality.  God doesn’t make mistakes.  You’re not faulty.  You’re not missing anything.  You have been fearfully and wonderfully made. 

Winning Against Weariness

June 3, 2022
Weariness may be knocking on your door, but don’t open up that door. Don’t verbalize it. Don’t give it life by speaking it and thinking it. Instead …
Take hold of God’s strength.
Today you may be dealing with battle fatigue. It’s taking longer than you thought. You’re tired of fighting, and you don’t think you can go on.
If that’s you, Jesus wants to say these words directly to you today. He says, “Come to Me when you’re weary, and I will give you rest.” (Matthew 11:28)
You don’t have to do it on your own.
The Bible says, “If you wait upon the Lord, He will renew your strength. You will mount up with wings like an eagle. You will run and not be weary, you will walk and not be faint.” (Isaiah 40:31)
To “wait upon the Lord” doesn’t mean to sit back passively, lay around feeling helpless, saying, “Okay, God, I give up. I quit.”

Those who “wait upon the Lord” are described in one version as “those who look for God’s goodness, who expect God’s favor, who long for God’s blessing.”  Waiting is supposed to be active. Take hold of God’s strength. Say: “Lord, thank You that You’re turning this situation around. Thank You that You’re bigger than my problems. Thank You that You’re stronger than my cancer.”

Listen to me! It starts in your mind. You won’t soar like an eagle if you’re negative in your thinking. You won’t run and not be weary if you’re focused on your problems and thinking how impossible it is. What causes your strength to be renewed is when you live in expectation. It’s when you know God is in control and God is at work in your life.