May 6, 2022

Donations for the People of Ukraine
Please look for the donation bin for the people of Ukraine. They have lost everything or left it all behind so anything is appreciated! Examples
of needed items are: first aid supplies, gently used clothing, socks, toiletries, hair brushes, hair ties, and diapers.
Our Community Food Pantry
Christ Church helps food-insecure families in Southwick and the hill towns. Did you know we offer a year round collection box for our local pantry? Just bring your non-perishable food donations and place them in the bin near the exit.
Gospel Singing Competition
Solo acts, duets and groups are welcome
to audition for a Gospel Singing
Competition held in Granby, Connecticut
on Saturday, June 11. Local celebrities will
be the judges and the first prize is $1,500!
All entries must be received by May 15.
For more information, or to enter, please
  • Mother’s Day 5/8
    • First Communion Class Meets at 11:15 5/1, 5/8, 5/15
    • Artisan’s Market on the Green 10-2 5/15
    • First Communion Class Meets at 10:15 on  5/22
    • First Communion Sunday during 11:15 Service 5/22

Don’t Be Discouraged by the Dark

May 6, 2022

The dark doesn’t mean that nothing is happening.  The dark doesn’t mean that God is not working, that He didn’t hear your prayer. 

Your thoughts will tell you, You would have seen something by now … You would start to feel a little better … One of those companies would have called you back … That addiction wouldn’t be this strong.

But the Bible says, “The moment you pray, the tide of the battle turns.”  (Psalm 56:9) 

You can’t see it, but when you prayed, you left the p.m., and you came into the a.m.  It’s a new day.  You may not see any sign of it – that’s okay, the sun is on its way up.  You can’t stop the sun from rising, and you can’t stop God from keeping His promises. 

Don’t give up.  Don’t get discouraged.  The moment you began to pray, the tide of the battle began to turn.

April 20, 2022

Church Events
  • Palm Sunday 4/10
    • Maundy Thursday 4/14
    • Good Friday 4/15
    • Decorate for Easter 10-2 4/16
    • Easter Sunday 4/17
    • First Communion Classes Begin 4/24
    • CLC Serves Dinner at the Westfield Soup Kitchen 4/29
    • Mother’s Day 5/8
    • Artisan Market on the Daily Grind Green 9-1 5/15
    • First Communion at 11:15 5/22
Starts April 24: You Are Stronger Than You Think
We all face pressure in life and at times feel overwhelmed. You never dreamed you’d be dealing with this health issue. Or you thought that trouble at work would be over now. Or you never thought you’d be going through a divorce and starting over at your age. But can I tell you something?
You are stronger than you think!
When God designed you, He took into account everything you would face in life—every struggle, every unfair situation, every setback—and He put in you the strength, the courage, and the determination to withstand it.
Join us for the start of our encouraging new series, starting April 24. Watch online or join us in person! You won’t want to miss this one!
Coming Soon Artisan Markets on the Green at the Daily Grind
All events are Sundays 9 to 1 and support local artists.
May 15
June 26
August 14
October 2

God is on Your Side

April 20, 2022

You have Almighty God on your side. 

David was a teenager when he faced down Goliath.  When Goliath saw how small David was, he began to laugh.  He said, “Am I dog that you come at me with a stick?”  He was saying, “Is that the best you’ve got?” 

David looked at Goliath and said, in effect, “I may be small, but I’m stronger than I look.  I may be young, but I’m more experienced than I look.  I may be skinny, but I’m more powerful than I look.”

David took his slingshot and, with one stone, brought down Goliath. 

You may have some Goliaths telling you what you can’t so:

  • “You’re not strong enough to break that addiction.”
  • “You can’t beat that sickness.”
  • “You’ll never accomplish that dream.”
  • “You’re not big enough!”

You have to do like David, and tell Goliath, “I may look small, but I’m stronger than you think.  You haven’t seen the best of me.  You look at me and you think I’m just a small David or a weak Gideon.  But you’re looking at a Mighty Hero.” 

I don’t know who needs to hear this today, but hear me when I say this … That problem is not going to defeat you.  That trouble is not going to define you.  That loss is not how your story ends.  You are going to discover things in you that you didn’t know you had. 

I believe even now strength is rising up in you.  Dreams are coming back to life.  You’re about to see God do things that you couldn’t do, turn situations around that looked permanent, and open doors that person can shut. 

Your Place is Waiting

April 1, 2022
Jesus loves you. That’s not a cliché; that is a reality. Jesus is crazy in love with you. I can never put into words how much He loves you.
And He wants you to have a place … a place with Him forever in heaven. Now – now that He has removed your sin and burned it away on the cross – Jesus can say, “Done! It’s a done deal. You have a home waiting for you in heaven.”
Let me ask you this question: What’s the difference between Christianity and every other religion? The answer: Religion is spelled, D-O. Do! Do this, do that, and maybe you’ll do enough to get into heaven. But Christianity is spelled, D-O-N-E. Done! The Bible says that Jesus has already done everything that’s needed to get you into heaven.
You say, “Jeff, I must have to do something.” No! It’s taken care of. It’s done. Just accept it and respond with a grateful heart. You can’t beg, bargain, or bribe your way into heaven. You just accept it.
The Bible marvels at this: “Saving us was all His idea, and all His work. All we do is trust Him enough to let Him do it. It’s God’s gift from start to finish!” (Ephesians 2:8)
You say, “But, Jeff, I still worry … I worry what’s going to happen when I die… Will I be okay? Will God let me into heaven?” Friend, you don’t have to worry! The Bible says, “Anyone who calls upon the name of the Lord will be saved.” (Romans 10:13) Anyone – that includes you! That includes me! Anyone!
You don’t have to be afraid of death any longer. I can honestly say, I’m not afraid of death. I’m afraid of pain, but not afraid of death. Death is just a transfer and I know where I’m going. A lot of my friends and family are going to be there waiting for me. And, right away, I’m going to run over to Jesus and finally look deep into His eyes and see Him smile. I’m not afraid! I’m not afraid because Jesus said, “Don’t worry. I got this for you. It’s a done deal. Your place is waiting.”

March 4, 2022

  • Small Group Bible Study in the “UnderGrind” Tuesdays at 6:00
  • Acoustic Café with Chris Mastroianni  3/6
  • Acoustic Café with  from 11 to 1pm , and 2 to 4 with Chris Shea and Co.
  • Acoustic Café with Rob Skiba   3/20
If you would like to join our choir for Holy Week please speak to Mike Curran, Mike can be reached at 413-222-8345.
On Easter Sunday, our church will be adorned with dozens of lilies and tulips. Many people place flowers on the altar as a way to say thanks to God for a special blessing or a special person He has placed in their lives. If you would like to do this, please look for the form on the Information and Opportunity Table and place it in the offering plate by April 3 with your check for $14.
Palm Sunday
April 10
8:15, 9:15, 10:15 and 11:15 a.m.
Maundy Thursday
Last Supper Celebration
April 14, 8:00 p.m.
Good Friday
Service of Darkness
April 15, 8:00 p.m.
Easter Sunday
April 17
Sunrise Festival
8:15 a.m.
Easter Sunday Festivals of Joy
9:15, 10:15 and 11:15 a.m.

Springfield Rescue Mission’s Operation Hope Tote
A Hope Tote may be the first contact the Mission has with a homeless or needy person. People feel better about themselves when they are able to shower, shave and change into fresh clothes. Please look for more information and a list of basic needs on the Information and Opportunities Table.

Prayer of Forgiveness

March 4, 2022
Father, I know without a doubt that there are people right here now who are suffering under an immense load of guilt and shame and regret. For some people it’s been eating away at them for years. Let this be the day of their release. Let this be the day of their relief … relief that comes with Your forgiveness.
Now I want to invite you to pray the steps for forgiveness. I want you to say something like this in your mind – just say it to God, in your mind …
Dear God, You know everything about me. You know everything I’m ashamed of. You know my regrets, my mistakes, my habits.
Today, I admit that I need Your forgiveness. I not only admit it, I accept responsibility for it. I’m not going to blame anybody else in my life. I’m not going to make excuses. I’m going to own up to it.
Lord Jesus, thank You for what You did on the cross – for Your body being broken and Your blood being shed – for the cross, where Your blood ran red, and my sins washed white. Thank You for saying, “Father, forgive them.” I do accept Your gift of forgiveness. Please, Lord, help me feel forgiven.
If you sincerely prayed that prayer, then I want to say to you … In the Name of Jesus Christ, you are forgiven.

February 11, 2022

  • Feb 13 Souper Bowl Sunday Food Drive  Begins
  • Feb 13 Acoustic Café with Rob Skiba 11-1
  • Feb 14 Valentine’s Day
  • Feb 20 Acoustic Café with Jason and Desiree 11-1
  • Mar 2 Ash Wednesday


Children ages 3 to 10 are welcome to join Mike Hague and Linda Matthews in the Panda classroom during the 10:15 service.  They’ll have a great hour learning about God and doing fun activities!
Join us for a Bible Study on the five books of the “Festival Scroll” – These five short Old Testament books (Song of Solomon, Ruth, Lamentations, Ecclesiastes and Esther) offer much wisdom about the five seasons of our Christian journey. All are welcome to join us on Tuesdays at 6:00 pm. The study is facilitated by Greg Deily, and is meeting in the newly renovated basement at the Daily Grind


Get Off Your High Horse

February 11, 2022
“Do not judge, or you too will be judged.”  (Matthew 7:1)
What’s the context?
This is actually part of Jesus’ famous Sermon on the Mount. And, in this section, He’s actually teaching us not to act like hypocrites. He says, “Don’t be a show-off. Don’t act you’re better than other people. Don’t think you can get up on your high horse, and look down on everyone else, and judge them.”
And that’s when Jesus says, “Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.” (Matthew 7:1-2)
But wait. Hold on! Slow down for a minute. Later on in the same chapter, Jesus says, “Be on your guard! Watch out for false prophets.” So, wait. If I’m going to deem someone a false prophet, what do I have to make? A judgement!
So, what I want to show you is that clearly Jesus was not telling us that we have to live without discernment and sound judgement. What He’s telling us is that we should be very, very careful to not judge hypocritically.
You can see this clearly when you read the very next words. Because then Jesus goes on to say: “Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother’s eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye? How can you say to your brother, ‘Let me take that speck out of your eye,’ when all the time there is a plank in your own eye? You hypocrite! First take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye.” (Matthew 7:3-5)
In other words, look in the mirror first. Don’t pick apart the little faults in other people’s lives when you’ve got some big issues in your life. He’s saying, “Don’t judge hypocritically.”  
Let’s pray.

Jesus, I picture You right now … not as a character in a dusty old book or a figure in a stained-glass window … but as You really were. A young man, full of life, full of love.  Your smile is bright.  A crowd is gathered around You. But You focus on one person in that crowd … one person who’s lived a very messy life – a life out of bounds.  But you don’t judge them, You just love them.  A love that changes them. Now, Lord, look at me like that. Because I also have lived a life out of bounds, for I am a sinner.  I’ve messed up.  And I need Your forgiveness. I need Your mercy and grace for all the times I have done deeds worthy of judgement. 

Jesus, I give My life to You.  I surrender. 

In Your Name I pray, Amen.

It’s an Honor

God, we honor You this January. We honor You with our lives, we express our love, we worship You.
Help us also honor You by honoring the people You love – the people you thought were worth dying for.
Starting today, help us outdo one another in showing honor. Let it start in our homes, as we try to out-love, out-encourage, out-compliment each other. Then, let it flow into our community, as we change the whole feel of our workplace, our school, our circle of friends.
Finally, I honor Jesus, my Savior. I honor His love, His courage, His commitment. I am forever grateful, and I stand in awe of Him. In His Name we pray, Amen.