Obstacle Illusions

August 13, 2021
You’ve heard of “optical” illusions, right? An optical illusion is something that isn’t really what it appears to be. For example, if you stand on railroad tracks and look down that track as far as you can see toward the horizon, what do your eyes tell you the tracks are doing? Our eyes tell us those tracks are getting closer together, until they finally converge. But if you walk down that track, would you ever find a point where they actually converge? No. It’s an optical illusion. What you see doesn’t equal what is real.
In the same way, you may be staring at some obstacle in your life, you may be staring at some difficulty in your life, and you’re thinking, I can never change. I can never get past that. But that’s an illusion! Because: You plus God are bigger than any obstacle.
What obstacle illusions are holding you down? For the guy in the Bible story, it was blindness. He thought, “I was born blind, I’ll live my life blind, I’ll die blind, I’ll always be blind.”
What is it for you?
• Maybe you hate your job, but you don’t even look for another, because you keep telling yourself you’ll never get a good job; you’ve gone as far as you can go with your qualifications.
• Maybe you’re single and you’re telling yourself you’ll never meet the right person, the person you can spend your life with. If it hasn’t happened yet, it’s never going to happen.
• Maybe you’ve had some bad breaks and you’ve given up, you’ve settled, because you’re convinced you just have bad luck and it’s too hard to change.
My friend, those are obstacle illusions. You plus God are bigger than any obstacle.
I heard about a woman named Phyllis. When Phyllis was a sixteen-year-old, she got pregnant and dropped out of high school. She rented a small, cramped apartment and went on welfare. Eventually Phyllis got a job working at a school cafeteria collecting meal tickets. The job paid minimal wage, and Phyllis was thankful for it. But she knew God had better things in store for her. She said, “I’m going to go back to school and get my high school diploma.”
All her friends said, “Phyllis, you can’t do that. It’s too hard.” Her parents said, “Phyllis, you’re no good at school. Nobody in our family graduates from school. It’s too hard.”
Phyllis thought, Who says it’s too hard? That’s an obstacle illusion. Who says I can’t go back to school if I put my mind to it?
Well, Phyllis not only got her high school diploma, she went to night school and got her Master’s Degree. Today, she’s not on welfare anymore. No, in fact, she’s a principal in the same school district where she used to collect meal tickets. Phyllis likes to say, “I went from welfare … to faring well!”
You can do something similar. Don’t be blinded by obstacle illusions. Don’t listen to people who tell you it’s too hard. Don’t listen to people who tell you that you can’t do it. Don’t listen to people who tell you don’t have what it takes.
You can go from welfare to faring well. You can go from being the victim to being the victor. You can overcome any obstacle. Why? Because: You plus God are bigger than any obstacle.

By His Permission

Weathering the Storm
You are in the storm …by His permission.
God knew before you were even born what was going to be happening during this season of your life.
Look at what the Bible says: “That day when evening came, Jesus said to His disciples …” Now, wait. Who said it to the disciples? Say it out loud. Jesus! “Jesus said to His disciples, ‘Let us go over to the other side of the lake.’”
Now check this out. The trip was Jesus’ idea. And being the Son of God and knowing all things, He knew the storm was coming.
The disciples were in the storm not because they were outside the will of God, they were in the storm because they were in the will of God, following Jesus’ direction.
And so, you’re in a storm, and you’re saying, “God, I wish I wasn’t here.” God knew you were going to be here. You wouldn’t be here without His permission.
You might say, “Well, where did this storm come from? Jeff, are you saying – are you telling me – God did this to me?”
No. Let me give you three possibilities.
Possible storm sources …
1. There are a lot of storms that come from bad decisions. Maybe you made a poor choice. Maybe it led to unintended consequences. You feel like blaming God, but God didn’t stick the cigarette in your mouth or the needle in your arm. God didn’t make you hire that problem employee or cut corners on your taxes. You made the decision! Some storms you bring upon yourself.
2. Some storms are from the enemy. Satan wants to mess you up. Let me tell you something. Satan is not playing games. He wants you broke, he wants you busted, he wants you bitter, he wants you bankrupt, he wants you addicted, he wants you divorced, he wants you ineffective. He will find any area where you are vulnerable, and he will exploit that. Because he hates what God loves – and God loves you.
3. Some storms are experienced simply because we live in a broken world, a world shattered by sin, a world that just doesn’t function the way the Creator originally intended. So, you get a world with disease, and dysfunction, and disasters.
I think of Tom … A young guy, still in his twenties, very active in our church. One day he’s getting up, going to work, living his life. The next, the doctor says, “You’ve got cancer.” One day the sun is shining, the next he’s in the storm.
Maybe you’re like Tom … You’re in the storm right now. You might be someplace you wish you weren’t, and God may be taking you someplace you don’t really want to go. When that happens, remember that God knew this was going to happen, and He is good enough to bring about good out of all things – all things – for those who love Him.
You are in the storm by His permission.

July 2, 2021

Church Events
*Christ Church Celebrates Independence Day! 7/4
*Artisan Market on the Daily Grind Green 7/18
*Christ Church Prepares Food for Our Community Table 7/30
*Artisan Market on the Daily Grind Green 8/15 
Cancer Awareness Golf Tournament
Come for fun and join the fight for a cure! The 13th Annual Elsie Osman and Esther Cressotti Cancer Awareness Memorial Golf Tournament is Saturday, August 21 with a 12:00 start time. Please contact Leah Cressotti at 413-204-1730 for more information. Foursomes needed!
Westfield Soup Kitchen
It’s our church’s turn to feed the hungry on Friday, July 30. As always we will need people to help prepare and serve the meal and some food items may need to be donated. Please contact Barb Perry at barb2272@gmail.com to see how you can help.

Do it for God

July 2, 2021
Sometimes you have to say, “God, I don’t feel like doing this, but I will do it for You.” Or: “I think my boss is being unfair in telling me to do this, but, Lord, I’ll do it for You.” Or: “Somebody else made this mess and I shouldn’t have to clean it up, but, Lord, I will do it for You.”
The Bible puts it this way: “Whatever you do, do it with your whole heart – not as if you’re doing it only for people, but as if you’re doing it for the Lord.” (Colossians 3:23) And Jesus added this thought: “Pass the small tests. How will God be able to trust you with bigger things if you can’t handle the small things?” (See Luke 16:11)
Back to our favorite book: The Bible. I want to introduce you to a young man named Daniel …
When I think of someone with that spirit of excellence, I think of Daniel. As a teenager, he was taken from his home and brought to Babylon. The king had a youth leadership development program, and he had all these young people in training. The best of them – the sharpest, the brightest, and the most talented – were groomed to be the next generation of leaders.
They had to take special classes. They had a certain diet to eat and certain programs to follow. Now, the Babylonians worshipped idols. But Daniel made a vow to always honor God. Daniel was respectful, but he didn’t go along with what everyone else was doing. Maybe it seemed like a small thing – just a small test – but he always tried to honor God and do his best in everything.
Daniel 6:3 says, “Daniel so distinguished himself by his exceptional qualities that the king planned to put him over the whole kingdom.” Notice it doesn’t say: “Daniel was so mediocre he got promoted.” It says Daniel so distinguished himself by being exceptional. The Message translation put it like this: “Daniel completely outclassed the others.”
That’s what happens when, number one, you honor God and, number two, you have a spirit of excellence.
Even if everyone else does sloppy work, even if everyone else cuts corners, even if everyone else is undisciplined, you do like Daniel. You do like Daniel and make the choice to be excellent.
My question for you today is this: Are you distinguishing yourself and getting noticed? Are you going the extra mile? Are you doing more than you have to? Are you improving your skills?
Examine your life. We all have areas in which we can strive for excellence, whether it’s how we treat people, how we present ourselves, or how we develop our skills. Don’t let something small keep you from the big things God wants for you.

May 19, 2021

Church Events
  • Live music on the Daily Grind patio with Chris Mastroianni   5/16
  • Artisan’s Market on the Green 10-2      5/16     
  • Artisan’s Market on the Green 10-2      6/13
  • Artisan’s Market on the Green 10-2      7/18




Playscape Maintenance

Perhaps you would like to help Mike Lane and his crew spread some mulch on our playground?  Winter is always rough on our playscapes and Mike will be getting a group together sometime this spring to spruce things up.  Please contact him at 920-659-1064 and let him know if you are available to help.




The Journey Begins with Doubt

May 19, 2021
There are casual believers. Convenient believers. But there is a third type of believer – and, honestly, this is what Jesus is calling you to be. And that is …
Committed in every way. This is the lifestyle of following Jesus. It’s when I say, “I’m all in.” And my heart’s cry becomes, “Not my will; Your will be done in my life, Lord Jesus. My life’s goal is to bring glory to Your Name and joy to Your heart.”
And let me just say it. My goal is turn you into this kind of believer. If you’re not sure you’re all the way there yet, I’m going to tell you something you probably never heard before. For many of us, the journey starts with doubts.
Let me show you. For this first session of Doubters Anonymous, let me show you a man who is world famous for his doubts: Doubting Thomas. In the beginning, from Day One, Thomas bought into the whole Jesus-thing. He left his business. He left his home. He left everything. He became one of the disciples and traveled everywhere with Jesus. For three years, he never left His side.
So, when Jesus died on the cross, Thomas lost it. Thomas had a psychological melt down. If you read the Gospels carefully, you discover that after the death of Jesus, all the other disciples gathered together. Not Thomas. Thomas was A.W.O.L. For seven days, Thomas was missing in action. No one could find him. I am going to argue that he was completely destroyed – devastated – because with everything in him, he wanted to believe that Jesus was the Messiah. But he couldn’t believe in a dead Messiah. So, his world fell apart.
Then Thomas uttered some words that would forever brand him as “Doubting Thomas.” To this day – “Doubting Thomas.” But I’m going to show you today that if you struggle with doubts, you can still become one of the greatest people of faith you would ever imagine.
The Road to Committed Belief
The road to committed belief often starts with …
• Doubts.
In John, Chapter 20, the disciples locate Thomas and they say, “We’ve seen Jesus! We’ve talked to Him! He’s alive!” But Thomas said to them, “Unless I see the nail marks in His hands and put my finger where the nails were, and put my hand into his side, (where the spear pierced his heart) I will not believe it.” (John 20:25)
What was he saying? “I have to know for myself. If He is risen from dead, that changes everything I know about life. Everything. If He’s dead, I’ve got no hope at all. We’re just playing church.”
That’s where some of you are right now. You’ve got doubts and that’s okay. Since when have hard questions been bad? Even Jesus on the cross cried out a hard question: “My God, My God, why have you forsaken Me?”
I’m going to tell you what. God may allow you to have some doubts so you will seek Him. And when you find Him, like Thomas, you’re going to say, “This changes everything. This changes the way I see my whole world.”

April 11, 2021

Church Events
  • Small Group Bible Study     Tuesdays at 6:00
  • Outdoor Seating available at the Daily Grind          4/4
  • Live music on the Daily Grind patio with Jason Woods  4/11
  • Bunny Photos available to pick up          4/11
  • CLC Serves Dinner at the Westfield Soup Kitchen     4/30
  • Mother’s Day 5/9
Playground Cleanup
Would you like to help get our playground ready for spring? Winter takes its toll and leaves our playground needing new mulch. Maybe you’re able to donate some mulch, help spread it, or help keep it in place? Repairs are also needed for the special rubber surface our younger children play on. Please contact Kathy King at 413-569-5151, extension 13 for details if you’d like to join our playground team.
Help Feed Our Neighbors
Did you know we are a year round collection site for our local food pantry? Just look for the bin and drop off a non-perishable donation for our neighbors in need. We also feed the hungry every fifth Friday at our local soup kitchen, Our Community Table. The next time we prepare a meal is April 30. Please contact Barb Perry at barb2272@gmail.com for more information.

Light Defeats Darkness

April 9, 2021
Light Defeats Darkness
What is darkness? I want you to think about this. What is darkness? Let me tell you what it’s not. Darkness is not the opposite of light. So many people think it is. Darkness is not the opposite of light. Darkness is the absence of light.
Who is Jesus? Jesus said, “I am the Light of the World! Whoever follows Me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.” (John 8:12) If Christ lives in you, the light of Christ lives in you.
• When you walk into a room … light enters that room.
• When you walk into work … light enters your workplace.
• When you come home to your family and you walk in the door after a long day … light enters your home. Love enters your home. Christ enters your home. And darkness has to flee!
John 1:5 says, “The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness could not extinguish it.” Darkness can never swallow up light. Light always defeats darkness.
When you walk into your house at night and everything is dark, what’s the first thing you do? You flip on the light switch. The light comes on and all the darkness is gone. It doesn’t matter how dark it is. The light is always going to chase the darkness away. The darkness is never going to chase the light away.
So, Lord Jesus, enter my mind and my heart. Where there is darkness, shine light. Brighten up my outlook. Cast Your light into the dark corners of my mind. Maybe I’ve made a commitment to You in the past, but I want more of You than ever before. I keep thinking about that statement: “When I enter a room …light enters the room.” I want that to describe my life. I want to bring Your light into every situation, every relationship, every decision.
And, Lord Jesus, let me tell you once again: I believe that You are my Savior. I believe that You died for me. I believe that You rose to life on Easter Sunday to conquer the darkness of death. And I believe that one day You will receive me into eternal brightness. I humbly pray this in Your Name, Jesus, Light of the World! Amen.

March 11, 2021

Church Events
Small Group Bible Study Tuesdays at 6:00 at the Daily Grind
Palm Sunday 3/28
Maundy Thursday 4/1
Good Friday 4/2
Easter Sunday 4/4
Easter Flowers
Spring is coming and so is Easter! On Easter Sunday, our church will be adorned with dozens of lilies and tulips. Many people place flowers on the altar as a way to say thanks to God for a special blessing or a special person He has placed in their lives. If you would like to do this, please look for the form on the Information and Opportunity Table and place it in the offering plate by March 21 with your check for $14., or check the website homepage for an online form.
Springfield Rescue Mission’s Operation Hope Tote
A Hope Tote may be the first contact the Mission has with a homeless or needy person. People feel better about themselves when they are able to shower, shave and change into fresh clothes. Please look for more information and a list of basic needs you can fill a bag with on the Information and Opportunities Table.

Shut the Door to Negativity

March 11, 2021
Shut the door to negativity.
Just shut the door. If a stranger showed up at your door holding poison, or a rattlesnake, or a stick of dynamite, you wouldn’t say, “Come on in. Make yourself at home.” You would shut the door, lock it, and make sure they couldn’t get in.
Well, for heaven’s sake, shut the door to negativity. Don’t allow poisonous thoughts into your mind. The Bible says, “More than anything, guard your mind, because everything you do flows from it.” (Proverbs 4:23) You have to be selective about what you let in. Shut the door to negativity.
There was a family that had a couple of rabbits in a fenced-in area in their backyard. One day one of the rabbits looked like he wasn’t feeling well. He kept rubbing the side of his face as though something was bothering him. So, they took the rabbit to the vet. The vet gave them some antibiotics and said it should get better.
They tried that for about a week and that didn’t help. Then the rabbits face began to swell up so much that he had a big growth on top of his nose. They took him back to the vet, and the vet examined him further.
Guess what? This time the vet found that an egg from a fly had somehow gotten up in the rabbit’s nasal passage, and that a larva was growing inside his nose and was about to hatch. Once they got to the root of the problem, they removed it, and the rabbit was fine.
That’s the way the enemy works. He tries to plant lies in our mind that infect our thinking. You’re not good enough. You’re not attractive. You’ll never meet the right person. You’ll never get well.
We can try to fix the outside, but until we get to the root of the problem, until we get that infection out, until we delete that recording, the lies continue to limit us.
The good news is that you can get rid of them. You don’t have to spend another minute being infected by wrong thinking. I have the exact prescription, and it doesn’t cost anything.
If you start renewing your mind with what God says about you, it will clear up all the places that are infected, and it will heal all the places that are hurting.
Instead of dwelling on how people said you’re not valuable and how they made you feel inferior, you start to dwell on what God says about you.
I am fearfully and wonderfully made. I am a masterpiece. That’s when the infection starts to go away.
Instead of letting that recording play, You won’t do. You don’t have what it takes, you play, I’m talented. I’m creative. I’m one of a kind.
Whatever is holding you back, you have the prescription. Delete the lies and start taking your medicine. Dwell on what God says about you. You weren’t made to go around infected.
You were created to be secure, confident, healthy, happy, and successful.
Rise up and become who God made you to be.