Promises of God

It would be one thing if God had a say – that would be encouraging – but God doesn’t just have a say, He has the final say!
He overrode what the experts said. He overrode Sarah’s moments of doubt. And He overrode Abraham’s mistakes.

Water from the Rock

You Are Precious to God

your name …
You are very precious to God.

Know Who You Are

You’re not strong enough.
You’re not special enough.
You’re not thin enough.
You’re not pretty enough.
remind yourself of who God says you are.
You are beautiful.
You are blessed.
You are chosen.
You are capable.
You are worthy.
You are enough.
You are the child of My heart.
You are the focus of My attention.

The Magi

Jesus was born in the town of Bethlehem, in Judea, during the reign of King Herod. At about that time, some Wisemen from eastern lands arrived in Jerusalem, asking, “Where is the newborn King of the Jews? For we have seen His star in far-off eastern lands and have come to worship Him.” (Matthew 2:1-2)
Okay, let’s back up and see if we can understand this a little better. Centuries earlier, Israel had been conquered by the powerful Babylonian Empire. The Babylonians then began a program of relocating the best and brightest of the Israelites to Babylon.
Among those living in captivity in Babylon was a brilliant young man named Daniel. Remember the story of Daniel in the lion’s den? Same Daniel. Remember the song, Danny Boy? O Danny boy, the pipes, the pipes are calling … Not the same Daniel. Trust my research on this.
While living in Babylon, Daniel quickly rose to power and prominence, eventually becoming the Prime Minister of the entire Babylonian Empire. Even more significant, while in Babylon, Daniel had a series of prophetic visions about the coming of a great king – a Messiah – who would rock the world. Today we possess those actual prophecies in writing – from Daniel himself – because they are recorded in the Book of Daniel in the Bible.
Here’s what’s fascinating. We tend to overlook the fact that the Babylonians also had knowledge of all those prophesies. You see, Babylonian scholars kept vast libraries and very detailed records. And it was the job of these scholars – these Wisemen – to study these records and advise the Babylonian King.
So, year after year, they are waiting and watching for this one-of-a-kind King to be born. And imagine their astonishment when one night they look up into the night sky and see a strange and wonderful sight – a configuration of stars and a strange alignment of the planets Jupiter and Saturn.
The Wisemen had to travel hundreds of miles to find Jesus. But you don’t have to. Jesus is right here. He is here now. He is here for you. He is closer than the air you breathe. You don’t have to find Jesus – He found you.
Will you worship Him today? Will you honor Him? Will you tell Him, “Jesus, You are my King, a King like no other.”

God is Able

In a moment no one expected.
Using someone no one thought could do it.

Accept Yourself by Faith

You have to accept yourself by faith.

He’s Already There

God is Not Angry with Me!

Fact: God is not angry with me.

The Favor of God

The Bible tells us about somebody who really had troubles. Think about the Bible story of Job. He went through one of the most trying times any person could ever endure. In less than a year, he lost his family, he lost his business, he lost his home, and he lost his health. He had boils over his entire body and lived in constant pain. But in the midst of that dark hour, Job said, “God, I know that you have granted me favor.”
Now, here’s the amazing part! There are 42 chapters in the Book of Job. Job made this statement of faith in Chapter 10. Things didn’t turn around for him until Chapter 42! But, at the very beginning, when his troubles seemed the most hopeless, Job looked up and declared, “God, I know You have granted me favor!”
That’s real faith. Job was saying, “God, I don’t care what the situation looks like. I don’t care how badly I feel. You are a good God. And Your favor is going to turn this situation around.”
Is it any wonder that in the end God restored to Job twice as much as he had lost?