The Color of Heaven

June 5, 2018
The reason most people aren’t eager to get to Heaven is because, basically, everything they’ve learned about Heaven is all wrong. Generally, when Hollywood depicts Heaven, they make everything totally white. You’ve got fog at your feet about a foot deep, so you can’t see your feet. Your walking around in the fog the whole time, wearing a white robe. Why would the God who invented color make Heaven all white?
The Bible says this about heaven – just imagine seeing this, just imagine the brilliance, the light, the color! “The Holy City shines with the glory of God, and its brilliance is like a very precious jewel, like a jasper, clear as crystal …. The walls are made of jasper and the city of pure gold, as pure as glass. The foundations of the walls are decorated with every kind of precious stone … Each gate is made of a single pearl and the great street of the city is pure gold, like transparent glass.” (Revelation 21:11, 18-19) I mean, can you imagine? You are going to see that with your own eyes!
Hollywood says you’ll have wings and you’re playing a harp. Folks, you’re not going to have wings. You’re not going to be an angel when you get to Heaven – that’s a totally different creature. You’re a human, not an angel. And playing the harp? If that’s Heaven, I say: “No, thank You, God. I’d rather just stay here, with beaches and surf and sunsets, because this is a broken world, but it’s still pretty beautiful.”
Folks, the same God who dreamed up this world – with sports, and music, and surfing, and hiking – is the God who created Heaven. Heaven is not going to be boring. Heaven is going to be exciting!
Have you settled this issue? This Heaven issue? Only a fool would go through life unprepared for what you know is inevitable. We’re not talking some minor issue this weekend. We’re talking about your eternal destiny – forever and ever and ever.
I’m betting my life that Jesus told the truth. What are you betting your life on? “Well, I like to think …” That’s not a very good basis for a bet.
The night before Jesus went to the cross, He said: “Do not let your hearts be troubled. You believe in God; believe also in Me. In My Father’s house are many mansions. If it were not so, I would told you. I am going there to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with Me, that you also may be where I am. You know the way to the place where I am going.” Thomas said to him, “Lord, we don’t know where you are going, so how can we know the way?” Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” (John 14:1-6)
I’m betting my life, He was telling the truth. What are you betting your life on? If you’ve never opened your life to Christ, you need to do it now.
Maybe this is the first time you’ve ever told God that you want a home in Heaven. Maybe you’ve prayed a prayer like this before, and this is just a chance to confirm your reservation. Wherever you are on the spiritual spectrum, would you just say this: Lord Jesus, I open my life completely to You …
I humbly ask You to forgive all my sins. Just take that page in your book – the page that is a record of all my wrongs, all my mistakes, all my selfishness – and rip that page out forever.
Now I know that only the record of my goodness remains. The thought of all the rewards that will come to me when I get to Heaven makes me feel very humble – because I know I couldn’t even get into Heaven except for Your goodness and grace, that would save a sinner like me.
Thank You, Lord, that my home is ready. I cannot even imagine all the color, and excitement, and music, and majesty that waits for me! Help me to stay strong and faithful to You … until that magnificent moment, when I walk through gates of glory … to see my loved ones and see You, eye to eye and face to face. Amen and Amen!

Goodness and Mercy

May 29, 2018
Grace is when God gives me what I don’t deserve. I don’t deserve all the blessings I have in life. The air I just breathed … did I deserve that? Did I do something to earn that? The fact that my heart just took a beat … did I deserve that? The fact that I was born in a free country and men and women I don’t even know laid down their life to protect my freedom … did I do something to deserve that? Most of the big things in my life – and most of the big things in your life – are just gracious gifts. Grace is when God gives me what I don’t deserve.
What’s mercy? It’s the exact opposite. Mercy is when God doesn’t give me what I deserve. Let’s face it. I’ve messed up. I’ve dropped the ball. I’ve been self-centered. What I deserve from God is punishment. But God doesn’t give me what I deserve, He gives me what I need. Mercy. That’s what I need. Goodness and mercy.
“The Lord is my shepherd,” says the Twenty-Third Psalm. A few weeks ago, we talked about shepherds. I said that you drive cattle, but you lead sheep. When cowboys go on a cattle drive, they get behind the cattle and drive them forward. But a shepherd gets out in front and walks along with his rod and his staff and the sheep follow him. But at the back of the flock, there are usually a couple of sheepdogs nipping at their heels, keeping them moving, keeping them close to the shepherd.
Well, you have a couple of dogs. Let me introduce you to your sheepdogs. One little sheepdog is called “Goodness.” The other is called “Mercy.” “Goodness” and “Mercy” are always following you. They go wherever you go. They keep you close your Shepherd, Jesus.
“Surely goodness and mercy will follow me all the days of my life …” I think of a mom and her little toddler, who has just learned to walk. Any mom knows how many messes a toddler can make. If you go to a house with a toddler, I’ll tell you what you see: Mom is walking behind that child, picking up all the messes, putting back the books they pulled off the shelf, picking up their sippy cup from the kitchen floor, scooping up their toys.
Well, you have no idea how many messes you’ve created that God cleaned up, because God’s goodness and mercy were following right behind you. You made a flippant decision, and it was a stupid decision, but you made it. And you went on, not realizing the chaos you left behind … and God’s goodness and mercy went right behind you, picking up the messes. I bet God has picked up more messes in your life than you could imagine. Why? Because He’s good. And He’s merciful. He gives you what you need, not what you deserve.
“Goodness and mercy will follow me … all the days of my life…” All. All. Not just some days. God doesn’t say, “Okay, on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday I’ll be good to you. All the other days, dude, you’re on your own!” No. He is always good to you, every moment of ever day. He’s always merciful, every moment of every day.
When you fully understand that God is never not good to you, you can face your future. Your fear level goes down. You don’t know what’s going to happen next week, much less next year. But you say, “So what? I do know this: God’s goodness will be with me. He’ll even bring good out of the bad stuff.”
What am I saying? I don’t fear the future … Because God’s goodness is watching over me and because God’s grace is working in me.

The Jesus Connection

May 22, 2018
Stay connected to Jesus every day.
Jesus said it’s like a grapevine. He said, “I am the vine, you are the branches. If you stay connected to Me, you’ll produce a lot of fruit. But you can’t do anything without Me!” (John 15:5)
Ever go to wine country? Napa Valley? You’ll learn something real quick. If a cluster of grapes happens to be hanging on a branch that gets cut off, it dies. Shrivels up and dies. Same thing is true with you.
If you try to go through life on your power, you’re going to be OVERWHELMED. But if you’re connected to the vine – if you’re plugged into Jesus – you’re going to have power.
A toaster cannot fulfill its purpose unless it’s plugged into the power. A vacuum cleaner cannot fulfill its purpose unless it’s plugged into the power. And you, as a human being, cannot fulfill your purpose unless you’re plugged into the power.
Simple suggestion: First thing you do in the morning – or maybe during your lunch break – say, “Jesus, I’m plugging into You right now for a recharge.” Take out one of our devotional booklets and read the thought for the day. Read the suggested Bible passage. Then take a few minutes to pray about what’s going on. Nothing fancy – just talk to Jesus like you would your best friend. Because the first step is to stay connected to Jesus every day.

Anointed and Appointed

May 15, 2018
We’re in a series called “The Good Life.” And I want all of you to have a good life. So we’re studying the most famous chapter in the Bible, the Twenty-Third Psalm. And today we come to these words: “You anoint my head with oil.” (Psalm 23:5)
Now, what in the world does that mean? I mean, that just sounds weird! So, a little background …
Back in Bible times, when God chose somebody for something special – like, “You’re going to be the next king of Israel” – a priest would pour olive oil on the person’s head and say, “I anoint you to be our next king.” It symbolized God’s power and blessing being poured out on that person.
So, do you think it would be a cool thing if you got anointed? It’d be kind of messy! It would make your hair nice and shiny, but …
But is it a cool thing? Well, that depends … on who’s doing the anointing! If your next-door neighbor walks into your house, pours some vegetable oil on your head, and says, “I now proclaim you the king of the universe” … would that change your life? No. Why? Because your next-door neighbor doesn’t have any power. They don’t have any authority. They could pour Canola oil on you and say, “You’re the king of rock and roll” … and it wouldn’t make a difference. Because it depends on who’s doing the anointing.
But, in this case, God – the actual Almighty God – is the one doing the anointing! Now, that makes a difference! God is saying, “I am personally choosing you to be something special.” That makes a difference! Let me explain …
What does it mean to be anointed? Here’s a formal definition. When God’s Holy Spirit gives insight, ability, stamina, authority, or protection that you don’t normally have in order to do a job He has chosen you to do! When your life is anointed by God, God supernaturally gives you what you need … when you need it. God pours out His blessing on your life.
To understand why this is so important, you’ve got to go back to the basics. Basic Bible teaching: You are not an accident. Your life is not an accident. You were created by God for God. Until you understand that, life won’t make much sense.
The Bible says that before you were even born, God planned what He wanted to do with your life. Maybe you’ve heard me say, “I feel called by God to be a pastor.” But God doesn’t just call people to be pastors or priests, nuns or missionaries. You may be called to be a computer programmer or a lab tech or an accountant. You may be called to be an architect, or a nurse, or a teacher. You may be called to be a mom.
The Bible says, “God made us what we are…” He wired you a certain way. You like math. You like music. You like organizing things. God wired us the way we are … “… to do good works, which He planned in advance for us to live our lives doing.” (Ephesians 2:10) Do you realize that before you were even born, God planned the purpose of your life?
But here’s the catch: You can’t fulfill that purpose on your own power. You need God’s anointing. Remember, an anointing is when God gives you the power, the energy, the capability, to do what God wants you to do. If God has a job for you, He gives you the ability to do it.

God Will Fight for You

May 8, 2018
When God wants to bless me, no man can stop it.
I have learned personally that when God wants to bless your life, there is nothing that critics can do about it. When God wants to bless your life, they may spite you, they may slander you, they may gossip about you … they may ignore you, they may say all kinds of mean things, false things, hurtful things about you … but they can’t stop God from blessing you. They just can’t do it.
That person at work who wants your job and is trying to push you aside, if God wants you at that job, it doesn’t matter what they try to do. If they’re trying to stop you and steal credit for your ideas, if they’re trying to spread stories about you and talk behind your back, it doesn’t matter. When God’s blessing is upon your life and God’s banner over you is love … they cannot stop what God makes up His mind to do in your life. They are powerless against the King and your enemies are dumbfounded.  The Bible says, “Do not be afraid of them; the Lord your God Himself will fight for you!” (Deuteronomy 3:22) The Bible says, “No weapon formed against you can succeed.” (Isaiah 54:17) The Bible says, “The Lord your God will bless you in all your work and in everything you put your hand to.” (Deuteronomy 15:10) One touch … one touch of God’s blessing … can propel you farther ahead than you could ever have imagined.
I heard about a man who worked for a big autobody shop. The owner was nice enough, but the man’s immediate supervisor had it out for him. That supervisor felt insecure, that supervisor felt threatened … so he always tore the man down in front of others.
The man said to his wife, “I don’t know, maybe I should quit. The guy’s out to get me. I don’t see any possible way for me to move up or get promoted.”  His wife said, “Give it some time. Just do your best, stay positive, and be patient.”
Well, two years passed … and nothing seemed get better. Then one day at the end of his shift, the man got summoned to the owner’s office.
He thought, Oh boy, what did I do now?  He walked in and said, “Sir, I’m sure I can explain …”
The owner said in a gruff voice, “Sit down.” The man lowered himself nervously into the chair.
“Look, here’s the thing. I’m going to retire at the end of the year … and I want to offer the business to you.”
The man was shocked. Speechless. Heart-pounding, he said, “Me?”
The owner said, “I’ve been watching you. You’re a good man. You care about this business. I want you to take over.”
“But … but … I can’t afford to buy this business.”
“No, no, of course not. I can draw up the contract so you don’t pay me anything up front. You just pay me out of the profits in the years ahead. I get the income I need for my retirement – and I get the satisfaction of knowing that the business I spent my life building is in good hands.”
By the end of the year, that man wasn’t on the bottom rung of that ladder anymore! He was now the owner of the entire company.
With one touch of God’s hand of blessing, that man was catapulted to the top … right over the head of the supervisor who had so opposed and persecuted him. One touch … of God’s blessing. It was like God just walked into that autobody shop and said, “I will prepare a banquet for you in front of your enemies … No weapon formed against you can succeed … The Lord can bless you, and your work, and all you put your hand to … Do not be afraid; the Lord your God Himself will fight for you!”
What am I saying? When our God makes up His mind to bless you, no man can stop it!

God is With Me

April 25, 2018
What to Remember in a Valley
Remember I’m not alone – God is with me!
“Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for You are with me.” I want you to take your pen and circle the word “through.” That’s a very important word. You walk “through” the valley, you don’t set up camp. It’s temporary. And while you’re there, you’re never alone. “I will fear no evil, for You are with me.”
And I want you to think about the word “shadow.” “The shadow of death.” I’ve stood at the bedside of people in their final moments. I’ve seen that shadow pass over a place. I’ve seen that shadow pass over a person. And one day that shadow is going to pass over you.
Do you know what I’ve learned? A shadow can’t hurt you. Have you ever been run over by the shadow of a truck? There’s a big difference between getting run over by a real truck and getting run over by the shadow of a truck. A shadow can’t hurt you.
But here’s the most important thing that I’ve learned: There cannot be a shadow without a light. A shadow is irrefutable evidence … that there is a light present. How do you deal with your fear? Every time you get afraid, turn your back on the shadow and look for the light. Jesus said, “I am the Light of the World! He who believes in Me will never walk in the darkness.”
Whenever you’re scared by the shadows in your life, stop focusing on all that stuff that scares you to death – those bills, those fears, those worries. Get your focus off your fear and get your focus on your Father!
Bottom line: When you’re going through a tunnel, how do you make it through the tunnel? You keep your eyes on the light at the end of the tunnel and you just keep going. God is saying to you, “Just remember, you’re not going through this by yourself. You may not be able to see Me, but I’m there.” God says “When you go through deep waters and great trouble, I will be with you. When you go through rivers of difficulty, you will not drown! When you walk through the fire and the heat is on, you will not be burned up!” (Isaiah 43:2)
I don’t know what valley you’re in today, but I know the antidote. When I’m in the valley … when I’m in the struggle … I need to remember I’m not alone – God is with me!

Grudges Are Toxic

April 10, 2018
When you get resentful, when you start thinking about revenge and retaliation against someone who’s hurt you, that’s toxic to your soul. Toxic!
The fact is, you’re going to get hurt. Nobody makes it through life without getting hurt. Why? Because this is not heaven. This is earth. We’re all basically broken people. Sometimes we hurt each other intentionally; sometimes we hurt each other unintentionally. Sometimes people hurt you; sometimes you hurt people. When that happens, we start to build up grudges.
But what I’m interested in is not so much the fact that you’re going to get hurt – I’m sorry for it – but what I’m far more interested in is how you respond to that hurt. Because your response is far more important than the hurt itself. That hurt can either make you bitter … or it can make you better. When God restores your soul, He wants to take all the bitter things in your life and turn them into the better things in your life.
So,what do you do when you’re hurt? Retaliate? Resent? No you don’t. Let me show you why.
The Bible says, “To worry yourself to death with resentment would be a foolish, senseless thing to do …. You’re only hurting yourself with your anger.” (Job 5:2, 18:4) You’re only hurting yourself. When you hold onto a grudge, it’s not hurting them; it’s only hurting you. They may be totally oblivious to your feelings. It’s not eating away at them. They’re out there having a lot of fun, watching movies, going to nice restaurants. They’re totally oblivious. Who gets hurt when you’re resentful? You do. It’s like drinking poison and hoping it kills them. It’s like swallowing fire and hoping they get burned.
You say, “But, Jeff, you don’t know what they did to me. You don’t know how much they’ve hurt me.”
Let it go. Why? Because they deserve it? No, they don’t deserve it. You let it go because you don’t want to carry around that pain anymore. You don’t want that poison in your system. So you let God settle the score. You trust God to bring justice, in His own time.

Walk with Jesus

April 3, 2018
He wants to walk beside you as your best friend.
There was a little girl in Sunday School who was very, very smart. She said to her teacher, “Do you know what? I can draw a perfect picture of Jesus.”
The teacher said, “Really! Well, show me your perfect picture of Jesus.”
The little girl took a blank piece of paper, and a big red marker, and a Bible. She opened up her Bible to 1 Corinthians 13, the famous Love Chapter of the Bible, the one that’s often read at weddings. You know, “Love is patient, love is kind …” And she began to write out that description of love, copying it word for word. But with one change … Every time she got to the word love, she changed it to the name Jesus.
She said to her teacher, “Jesus was God, right?”
Her teacher said, “Well, yes. That’s true.”
“And the Bible says that God is love, right?”
“Well, yes, the Bible says God is love.”
She handed the paper to her teacher and said, “Then here is the perfect portrait of Jesus.”
The teacher read the words that little girl had written …
“Jesus is patient, Jesus is kind. Jesus doesn’t brag or boast. Jesus is never rude or demanding. He is never selfish or easily angered. And He keeps no record of the wrongs you’ve done. Jesus always protects you, Jesus always hopes the best for you, and Jesus never gives up on you.” (See 1 Corinthians 13:4-7)
The teacher had a little tear in her eye. She said to the girl, “Yes, that’s Jesus for you.”
Now look me in the eye. Isn’t that kind of person you want as a best friend? Patient and kind? Always wanting the best for you? Never giving up on you? That’s the real Jesus – that’s what He’s really like. I know. I’ve experienced His love. You can, too.
Today the Living Christ is calling to you across the ages. “Come to Me,” He says. “Come to Me.” (Matthew 11:28)
You say, “That doesn’t work for me. I tried religion. It didn’t help.”
No, Jesus said, “Come to Me.” Not come to a religion. Not come to a program. Not come to a class. Come to Me – a relationship.
Jesus, the Living Christ, just wants to be your friend. He’s real. He’s alive. He’s for you.
He wants to walk ahead of you to lead you … behind you to support you … and beside you as your best friend.

The Lord is My Shepherd

March 14, 2018
Ask Jesus to be your shepherd.
Have you asked the Lord Jesus to come into your life? Have you stepped across that line? Will you say, “I put my trust in Jesus. I know Heaven’s perfect, and I’m not. There’s no chance I’m getting into Heaven because of my own goodness, because I’m not good enough. But I’m trusting Jesus to get me in. I’m trusting Jesus to save me by His grace. I’m trusting Jesus to save me because He loves me.”
You know what? When Jesus died on the cross for you, He solved your biggest problem. You don’t have any bigger problem than eternal salvation. If Jesus can handle that – the biggest problem you have – why do you doubt He’ll be able to take care of the smaller things in your life? What’s the logic of saying, “Jesus, I’m going to trust You to get me into to Heaven, but I’m not going to trust You help me with my car payment?”
It’s like, I’m walking down the road wearing a heavy backpack. You see me, pull over, and say, “Jeff, you want a ride?” I’m like, “Yeah, that would be great.” I jump in and, five minutes later, you notice I’m still sitting there, hunched over, uncomfortable, still wearing that backpack.” You say, “Jeff, you can just toss that in the back.” I say, “Oh, no. It’s enough for you to carry me. I’ll carry the backpack.”
That’s the kind of stupid logic we use. “Oh, yeah, God, You can save my life and carry me to Heaven. You worry about that! But I’ll worry about my money, and my job, and my sex life, and my social life.” No, no. No, no, no! You don’t need to carry that backpack. You don’t need to carry that load. He’s going to carry you to Heaven … and He’ll carry everything else while you’re here on earth.
Here’s what you do … Every morning, when you get up, sit on the side of your bed, and say, “The Lord is my shepherd. Lord Jesus, today I’m expecting You to feed me, I’m expecting You to lead me, and I’m expecting You to meet my needs.”
Then say it throughout the day … You’re ready to go into an important meeting. “The Lord is my shepherd. He’s going to help me in this meeting.” You’ve got a parent teacher conference. “The Lord is my shepherd. What I’m about to hear I may not want to hear, but He’s going to feed me, lead me, and meet my needs.” You’ve got a decision to make. “The Lord is my shepherd.”
“Jesus, Lord of Love, I give every area of my life to You. I want to love You and follow You. In Your Name I pray. Amen.”

Grow Your Gifts

February 15, 2018
You have treasure on the inside – gifts, talent, potential – put in you by the Creator of the Universe. But those gifts will not automatically come out. They have to be developed.
I read once that the wealthiest places on earth are not the oil fields of the Middle East or the diamond mines of South Africa. The wealthiest places on earth are the cemeteries. Because buried in that ground are businesses that were never born, books that were never written, songs that were never sung, dreams the never came to life, potential that was never released.
Don’t go to your grave with the treasure still in you. Keep growing. Keep learning. We should have a goal to grow in some way every day, to learn something new.
Pablo Casals was one of the greatest musicians of all time. He started playing at the age of twelve and he accomplished things that no other musician has ever accomplished. He was known around the world as the greatest ever. Yet, at the age of eighty-five, he still practiced five hours a day. A reporter asked him why he still put so much effort into it. He smiled and said, “I think I’m getting better.”
Casals understood this principal: When you stop learning, you stop growing; Whatever you do, get better at it. Sharpen your skills. Don’t be at the same level next year as you are right now. Remember this: Don’t settle.
Take twenty minutes a day, turn off the TV, and invest in yourself. Don’t say, “Well, Jeff, if I had the time, I’d do it.” Come on now. You are better than that. You’ve got too much in you to stay where you are. Your destiny is too great to get stuck.
A lot of times we sit back and think, God, I’m waiting on You; I’m waiting for that big break. I’ll tell you who gets the big breaks – people who are prepared. When God sees you doing your part and working to develop what He’s put in you, then He’ll do His part and He’ll open doors for you.
You say: “Well, Jeff, I’m so busy. I don’t have time to take any training courses. I don’t have time to read books, learn new things. I’ll get behind.”
Respectfully, that’s the wrong attitude.
It’s like the two lumberjacks who were chopping down trees. One said, “I’m going to take a break and go sharpen my axe.” The other said, “I don’t have time to stop. I’ve got too much work to do.”
He kept chopping and chopping. The other man went out and sharpened his axe. He came back an hour later and chopped down twice as many trees as his friend with the dull axe.
Sometimes you need to take a break and sharpen your axe. If you sharpen your skills, you won’t need to work so hard. If you sharpen your skills, you’ll get more done in less time. You’ll be more productive.
Whether you are a teacher, a contractor, a nurse, or a technician, don’t settle where you are. Don’t coast, or rest on your laurels. Sharpen your axe. God is looking for people who are prepared. He is looking for people who are serious about developing their opportunities.
There is treasure in you, just waiting to be developed. Make a decision to grow in some way every day.
Because you are prepared, I believe that God will open doors for you that no man can shut. You will go farther than you can imagine and you will become the exceptional person He’s created you to be.