
May 23, 2017
Throughout Scripture, the person who truly trusts in God is compared to an eagle. Now, the problem is, the eagle has some pests. One of the biggest pests is a crow. He’s always squawking, always pestering, always causing the eagle trouble.

The truth is, we all have a few crows in our life. Am I right? You may have an entire flock of them where you work, along with a few chickens and turkeys, too!

Certain people rub us the wrong way; they sure can irritate us if we allow them. We need to take a lesson from the eagle instead. When the eagle is out flying, often a crow will come up right behind him and start to pester him, aggravating and annoying him. Although the eagle is much larger, it can’t maneuver quickly. To get rid of his pest, the eagle simply stretches out his eight-foot wing span and catches the thermal current, and he rises up higher and higher. Eventually, he gets to an altitude where no other bird can live. The crow can’t even breathe up there. On rare occasions, eagles have been spotted at altitudes as high as 20,000 feet, nearly as high as a jet flies.

In the same way: If you want to get rid of your pest, you need to rise higher. Don’t ever sink down to their level. Don’t argue; don’t try to pay somebody back; don’t give them the cold shoulder. Be the bigger person. Remain calm and confident. Have a gentle spirit. In the long run, crows can’t compete with eagles.

Folks, I’m talking to some eagles today! You’ve been made in the image of Almighty God. Learn to rise above your circumstances. Rise above the petty politics of the office. Don’t let people pull you into all the drama and division and get you all upset and gossiping. Live with a gentle spirit.

Always remember, the turkeys, chickens, and crows cannot live at the altitude for which you were designed to soar. God is in complete control of your life. He’s promised if you will remain cool, calm, and confident, He’ll fight your battles for you. He’ll make sure that even something someone else meant for evil turns out good for you.

Sticks and Stones

May 17, 2017
Do you remember how ruthless kids were on the playground when you went to school? They’d exploit every weakness, go for the jugular. You’d go home and your mom would say, “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but”… remember the rest? (“But names will never hurt me.”) But I’m here to tell you, that’s not exactly true. A broken bone heals faster than a broken spirit. The Bible says, “Kind words bring life but cruel words crush your spirit.” Your words have the power to heal or to hurt, to crown or to crush.

So, how supportive are you with your words? Are you an encourager or discourager? Do you lift people up or put them down? Do you give strokes or pokes? Do you nag your children or do you brag on your children?

Imagine if God were to hold a contest and He said, “I’m going to give you a dollar for every kind word you said in this past year. And I’m going to take away a dollar for every critical word or negative word you said this past year.” Would you be rich or poor? Some of you would be pretty far in the hole! Don’t put people down. Remember this … When you belittle people, you are being little!
The Christian life is a life of kindness. The Bible tells us, “Jesus is the kindness of God.” You want to know what Jesus was really like? What was his personality really like? Jesus was kindness incarnate, kindness embodied, in the flesh. If you’re going to be like Jesus, you’ve got to learn to be kind. I don’t care how many Bible verses you know, if you’re not being kind to your wife, your kids, your mom – you’re missing the mark.

I Know Who I Am!

May 10, 2017

In Disney’s “The Lion King,” there’s a young lion named Simba who is the heir to the kingdom. But he’s falsely blamed for the death of his father. So Simba runs away, and he gives up on his dream of one day being king. Then one day his father appears to him in a vision. He says, “Simba, you have forgotten me.” Simba says, “But, Dad, how could I ever forget you?” His father replies, “You have forgotten who you are, and therefore you have forgotten me. Remember who you are. You are my child, the child of the one true king.”

God says to you and to me today, “Remember who you are. You are My child, a child of the one true king.” Today I want you to walk out those doors with your head held high and your heart on fire, saying, “I know who I am! I remember.”

These days we worry a lot about identity theft. But identity theft is nothing new. Your enemy Satan has been doing it for a long time. Satan’s number one trick is to try to steal your identity and steal your awareness of who you really are. God wants to give you life and life in all its fullness, but Satan has a plan for stealing it. He wants you to settle for so much less than what you were really made for. He knows that if he can steal your identity, he can steal your dreams and steal your purpose in life.

You and I need to be constantly aware that we are at the center of an epic battle. As C. S. Lewis put it, “There is no neutral ground in the universe; every square inch, every split second, is claimed by God and counter claimed by Satan.”

Satan comes to us and whispers, “You’re not valuable. God can never use you. In fact, God is ashamed of you because you’ve blown it. And blown it again and again and again.” Satan says in his sticky-sweet voice, “You’re not worth much anymore. God uses other people, but He doesn’t use you. God can’t use you – you’re not spiritual enough, you’re not smart enough, you’re not committed enough, you’re not strong enough, you’re not talented enough.”

Any of this sound familiar? Satan always tries to undermine our confidence, our confidence in who we’re made to be. But God constantly says, “Remember who you are. You are My child. You are a child of the King. That’s your true identity. You’re good and beautiful and righteous in Me. You are worth so much to Me that I came to earth and I died for you. That’s how valuable you are. Don’t forget who you are!”

Know in your heart today: “I know who I am!”


May 4, 2017
The Bible says, “May God, who gives patience – you see, it’s a gift, a gift that God wants to give you – may God who gives patience, steadiness, and encouragement, help you live in complete harmony with each other – each with the attitude of Christ toward the other.” (Romans 15:5)

Patience is waiting without worrying. Waiting without worrying. I don’t know about you, but I’m kind of a Federal Express kind of guy. Their motto is “When it absolutely, positively must get there overnight.” That’s me. I want everything to happen overnight. Do you relate to this? Sometimes I wonder what I would have ever done without e-mail, without texting. What did they do a hundred years ago? Have you ever thought about living in the Pony Express days – when it absolutely, positively had to get there in three months? God knew exactly when I had to born!

Now, here’s what I want you to know. When God develops you and me, he’s not in the FedEx business. Because you can’t “overnight” patience. You can’t e-mail character. You can’t microwave the fruit of the spirit. It’s a process. It takes time.

Remember Moses? Remember how one day he saw the Jewish people being persecuted? He lost his patience and killed a man and had to flee for his life. And for the next 40 years, you know where Moses was? He was hiding out on the back-side of the desert. It was the 40-year, back-side-of-the-desert experience that developed Moses into the great leader that he became.

You see, God’s motto in developing patience goes something like this: “When it absolutely, positively must be done in 40 years.” I promise you the best attributes in life are developed through a long, tedious, trying process. And your greatest accomplishments will be made over a long period of time.

I look into God’s Word and I see the great men and women of God … I look at Moses, 40 years on the back-side of the desert. I look at Joseph, 7 years in prison. I look at David, years as a refugee, hiding from his enemies. In fact, every great Bible character went through … not “the microwave process” … but “the crock pot process.” God isn’t interested in microwave Christians. He wants to put us in the crock pot, let us simmer, and bring out the best in us.
Here’s what I’m saying: The best things in life take a long time. And we’ll never get what we need from God if we pray a prayer like, “Oh, God, give me patience and give it to me now!” I’ve prayed that prayer, haven’t you?

You know what’s interesting? I looked up a word in the Bible this week: “Wait.” Go home, look at the index at the back of your Bible, and look up that word. W-A-I-T. Do you know that if you look up the word “wait” in your Bible, you’ll find that it’s in there 106 times? “Wait on the Lord,” says the Bible, “and be of good courage and He will strengthen your heart.” And flip a few pages: “Those who wait upon the Lord shall inherit the earth.” And don’t forget Isaiah 40: “Those who wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength. They shall soar as on wings of eagles!” Patience is waiting without worrying.


God Wants Good Things for Us

April 25, 2017

A lot of people have an inaccurate view of God. They think God’s love is tied to their performance. “Oh, boy, I blew it big time, so I’d better not expect anything good from God.” The reality is, God is a loving Father. So He always wants good things for us!

How many of you are parents? You know what? Sometimes I’m proud of my kids and sometimes I’m not. But I never wish them harm. As a dad, I never wake up and think, I hope something bad happens to my kids today. Never. Never! Always, every day, I want my children blessed. I want my children whole. I want my children healthy. I am always and forever for my children. Even when they’re doing something I don’t support, I am for my children. And God is always for you. And, folks, the Bible says: “If God is for us, who can ever stand against us?” (Romans 8:31) There is no power on earth greater than my God. So if God is for me, I know I can get through whatever life throws at me.

There was a great baseball player, super talented. His dad was a great baseball player, so he was groomed from birth to play ball. But whenever his dad showed up at a game, he’d strike out. Why? He wanted his father’s approval so much, he choked.

Finally, Dad realized what was going on. He said, “Son, I don’t care if you get a hit. You can strike out every single time and I’m still going to love you. Because, son … I just love you. I love you because you’re my son.”

From that moment on, everything changed. That boy started hitting home runs. Why? Because from that moment on, he wasn’t playing for his father’s approval, he was playing from his father’s approval.

When you get an accurate view of God, everything changes. I feel good about my life because my Heavenly Father always loves me. I’m not living for His approval. I’m living from His approval.
So, I’m going to step up to bat in life, knowing my Heavenly Dad loves me even if I strike out. And I’m going to go ahead and do my best, and get myself some home runs in the process!

Peace with God

April 11, 2017

Being at peace with God …. Some of you know what it feels like to live without peace in your life. Some of you know what it feels like to live without peace in your home.

If that’s you, let me tell you, I know what you’re going through. One of the hardest days of my life was the day I had to kick my own son out of my house. They told me it was tough love, but I tell you it broke my heart. He was 16 and out of control. Finally, I said, “You either live as part of this family, under the rules of this household, or you need to leave.” He got up in my face: “If I walk out that door, you’re dead to me! I don’t have a father! And you will never see me again!” I said, “Go now.” He threw some clothes in a bag. And, and as he turned his back on me and slammed the door, I held it together. But the minute he pulled out of the driveway, turned the corner, and was out of sight, I went upstairs and knelt by my bed … and I cried like a baby. All I could pray was, “Oh, God; oh, God; oh, God … My son.”

The Bible tells us there was a day when our Heavenly Father cried over us like that. It was the day we human beings chose to turn our back on Him. It was the day we said, “God, it’s my life; You can’t tell me what to do!”

It broke the heart of our Heavenly Father. Like a father practicing tough love, God said, “I can’t let you back in My home. I can’t let you into heaven – not until you want to be a part of this family.”

This is what the Bible says. But you’ve felt it, too. You don’t feel close to God. You feel like there’s a distance, a barrier. Instead of feeling a natural love for God, sometimes you doubt that he even exists. Instead of feeling good, you feel guilt. What am I saying? You’re not at peace with your Creator.

So here’s what happened. Jesus said, “Father, I want to go and talk to them. I will go to their world and live among them. I’ll tell them about Your love. I’ll tell them how You want to patch things up. I’ll even die on a cross to pay the price for anything they’ve done wrong.” And that’s what He did. Two-thousand years ago, Jesus came here to patch up the relationship.

That’s why the Bible says these monumental words: “At just the right time, Christ came and died for us …. God showed His great love for us in this way: Christ died for us while we were still sinners.” (Romans 5:6, 8) The result: “We have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ.” (Romans 5:1)

Have you made your peace with God? Or are you still on the outs, still saying, “I want to do my own thing”? Come home. You can have peace with God.

Just recently, after years, my son is speaking to me. I haven’t been close to him for a long time, but we’ve reconciled. And it means the world to me. Maybe you haven’t been close to God for a long time. Start to speak to Him again. It will mean the world to Him.

The Bible says, “At just the right time, Christ came for us.” This is just the right time for you to come to Christ. Right now, today, you can know for sure that everything’s okay between you and your Heavenly Father. You can know that He loves you and never stopped loving you.
Just say, “Father, it’s me. We haven’t talked for a while. I want to come home. One day, when it’s my time to leave, I want to come home to You.”

The Difference Between Happiness and Joy

April 4, 2017
Happiness is external – it’s based on what happens around you.
Joy is internal … it’s based on what happens in you.

Let me tell you how this works. There’s a distinct difference between happiness and joy. Understanding that is the key. Most people think everything around them has to be going perfect in order to be happy. Folks, that day’s never going to come. So I’m talking about a building a joy deep inside – a joy that is internal, a joy that is eternal, a joy that comes from God.
Years ago there was a world famous comedian named Joey Grimaldi who kept people laughing all the time. Joey was so funny he was known to turn angry crowds into applauding audiences. But he wasn’t happy. He was a workaholic. He always felt pressured to perform better. He was a perfectionist, never satisfied.
Soon he became ill. He went to see a doctor. Joey had aged. The doctor didn’t even recognize that he was the famous comedian whose picture was everywhere. After examining him, he told him that there was really no medical reason for his illness, other than stress and overwork.
“Look, I don’t know what you do for a living,” said the doctor, “but I suggest you take some time off and relax. Go see that comedian Joey Grimaldi who’s in town this week. I hear he’s hilarious and laughter will do you some good.”
Joey looked at the doctor and said sadly, “But, Doc, I am Joey Grimaldi.”
A few weeks later, Joey collapsed and died from exhaustion. Sadly, he could make others laugh, but he never took time to laugh himself.

Don’t let that be you.
Joey had to go to a doctor. Well, I’m a doctor and I have a prescription for you: Proverbs 17:22. “A happy heart is good medicine and a cheerful mind works healing.” That’s my prescription! My friend, don’t get so caught up in all the pressure and stress that you don’t take time to enjoy life and see the humor in it.
Learn to laugh at even simple everyday things.