God Will Fight for You

May 8, 2018
When God wants to bless me, no man can stop it.
I have learned personally that when God wants to bless your life, there is nothing that critics can do about it. When God wants to bless your life, they may spite you, they may slander you, they may gossip about you … they may ignore you, they may say all kinds of mean things, false things, hurtful things about you … but they can’t stop God from blessing you. They just can’t do it.
That person at work who wants your job and is trying to push you aside, if God wants you at that job, it doesn’t matter what they try to do. If they’re trying to stop you and steal credit for your ideas, if they’re trying to spread stories about you and talk behind your back, it doesn’t matter. When God’s blessing is upon your life and God’s banner over you is love … they cannot stop what God makes up His mind to do in your life. They are powerless against the King and your enemies are dumbfounded.  The Bible says, “Do not be afraid of them; the Lord your God Himself will fight for you!” (Deuteronomy 3:22) The Bible says, “No weapon formed against you can succeed.” (Isaiah 54:17) The Bible says, “The Lord your God will bless you in all your work and in everything you put your hand to.” (Deuteronomy 15:10) One touch … one touch of God’s blessing … can propel you farther ahead than you could ever have imagined.
I heard about a man who worked for a big autobody shop. The owner was nice enough, but the man’s immediate supervisor had it out for him. That supervisor felt insecure, that supervisor felt threatened … so he always tore the man down in front of others.
The man said to his wife, “I don’t know, maybe I should quit. The guy’s out to get me. I don’t see any possible way for me to move up or get promoted.”  His wife said, “Give it some time. Just do your best, stay positive, and be patient.”
Well, two years passed … and nothing seemed get better. Then one day at the end of his shift, the man got summoned to the owner’s office.
He thought, Oh boy, what did I do now?  He walked in and said, “Sir, I’m sure I can explain …”
The owner said in a gruff voice, “Sit down.” The man lowered himself nervously into the chair.
“Look, here’s the thing. I’m going to retire at the end of the year … and I want to offer the business to you.”
The man was shocked. Speechless. Heart-pounding, he said, “Me?”
The owner said, “I’ve been watching you. You’re a good man. You care about this business. I want you to take over.”
“But … but … I can’t afford to buy this business.”
“No, no, of course not. I can draw up the contract so you don’t pay me anything up front. You just pay me out of the profits in the years ahead. I get the income I need for my retirement – and I get the satisfaction of knowing that the business I spent my life building is in good hands.”
By the end of the year, that man wasn’t on the bottom rung of that ladder anymore! He was now the owner of the entire company.
With one touch of God’s hand of blessing, that man was catapulted to the top … right over the head of the supervisor who had so opposed and persecuted him. One touch … of God’s blessing. It was like God just walked into that autobody shop and said, “I will prepare a banquet for you in front of your enemies … No weapon formed against you can succeed … The Lord can bless you, and your work, and all you put your hand to … Do not be afraid; the Lord your God Himself will fight for you!”
What am I saying? When our God makes up His mind to bless you, no man can stop it!

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