I Know Who I Am!

May 10, 2017

In Disney’s “The Lion King,” there’s a young lion named Simba who is the heir to the kingdom. But he’s falsely blamed for the death of his father. So Simba runs away, and he gives up on his dream of one day being king. Then one day his father appears to him in a vision. He says, “Simba, you have forgotten me.” Simba says, “But, Dad, how could I ever forget you?” His father replies, “You have forgotten who you are, and therefore you have forgotten me. Remember who you are. You are my child, the child of the one true king.”

God says to you and to me today, “Remember who you are. You are My child, a child of the one true king.” Today I want you to walk out those doors with your head held high and your heart on fire, saying, “I know who I am! I remember.”

These days we worry a lot about identity theft. But identity theft is nothing new. Your enemy Satan has been doing it for a long time. Satan’s number one trick is to try to steal your identity and steal your awareness of who you really are. God wants to give you life and life in all its fullness, but Satan has a plan for stealing it. He wants you to settle for so much less than what you were really made for. He knows that if he can steal your identity, he can steal your dreams and steal your purpose in life.

You and I need to be constantly aware that we are at the center of an epic battle. As C. S. Lewis put it, “There is no neutral ground in the universe; every square inch, every split second, is claimed by God and counter claimed by Satan.”

Satan comes to us and whispers, “You’re not valuable. God can never use you. In fact, God is ashamed of you because you’ve blown it. And blown it again and again and again.” Satan says in his sticky-sweet voice, “You’re not worth much anymore. God uses other people, but He doesn’t use you. God can’t use you – you’re not spiritual enough, you’re not smart enough, you’re not committed enough, you’re not strong enough, you’re not talented enough.”

Any of this sound familiar? Satan always tries to undermine our confidence, our confidence in who we’re made to be. But God constantly says, “Remember who you are. You are My child. You are a child of the King. That’s your true identity. You’re good and beautiful and righteous in Me. You are worth so much to Me that I came to earth and I died for you. That’s how valuable you are. Don’t forget who you are!”

Know in your heart today: “I know who I am!”

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