Keep the Right Perspective

January 19, 2018
You say, “Oh boy, Jeff, I’ve got problems.”
Do you know what? Some people would love to have your problems. They would gladly trade places with you. They would love to have that job that frustrates you. They would love to sit in traffic in that car you’re not crazy about. They would love to live in that house that you think is too small. They would even love to have your husband, who gets on your nerves.
You may be thinking, “If I could just get out of this neighborhood, then I’d be happy.” Instead, why don’t you choose to be happy right where you are? Choose to have a good attitude without thinking about what you have or don’t have.
The truth is, your happiness is all about your approach to life. One man gets up and says, “Good morning, Lord.” Another man gets up and says, “Good Lord, it’s morning!” Which person are you?
You control the kind of day you’re having. It’s not your circumstances that keep you unhappy. It’s how you respond to your circumstances.
That’s why the Bible says: “Set your mind on the higher things and keep it set.” (Colossians 3:2) The higher things are the positive things, the things that relate to God. There’s nothing negative about God! God is all about goodness and love and blessing.
Too many people say, “Yeah, I believe in God. I’m His child. He loves me. God is guiding my steps every day.” (Make the sign of the cross.) Then they go through the day expecting disaster, unhappiness, bad breaks. They expect to barely get by and be mistreated. Whaat? What are they doing?
They aren’t living by God’s Law; they are living by Murphy’s Law! Murphy’s Law: “If anything can go wrong, it will, and at the worst possible time.” Our motto should be: “If anything can go right, it will – and at the best possible time.”
Why? Because you are much loved by God. God is just looking for ways to bless you. God is just looking for opportunities to be good to you. Let me tell you something: God will give you all the blessings you can handle. He is always searching for ways to give you more.

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