Leave a Legacy

October 24, 2017
Actually, you will leave two legacies.
One on earth – and one in heaven.
The one on earth isn’t going to last very long. According to research, after about two generations, everybody forgets you. Given enough time, all your trophies are going to be trashed. All the things you think are so cool right now, in two generations nobody will even care. You may even get your name on a building. So what? In a generation young kids will walk through those doors, with your name over top, and they won’t even stop and ask, “Who was that person?” But the rewards you get in eternity are going to go on and on, forever and ever, never ending.
What will your legacy be? The Bible says, “Good people – people like you – will be remembered as a blessing.” (Proverbs 10:7)
Let me ask you: What are you going to be remembered for? If you were to die tomorrow, would people say: “That guy was a real blessing! He really lived for other people. He was thoughtful. He was generous. He’d give you the shirt off his back.” Or would they say: “Well, he was pretty self-centered. He really didn’t care about anybody else. He was never really there for his family. He just did his thing and did whatever he wanted.” What do you want to be remembered for?
 Good people will be remembered as a blessing.
The truth is, everybody wants their life to count. Deep down inside, you want your life to have significance. You want your life to have meaning. You want to do something great with your life.
So, tomorrow morning, just look in that mirror and put a big smile on your face … and say these words, “I was born to be a blessing!”
Closing Prayer
Father, I was born to be a blessing – a blessing to so many people. And I never even realized it. Now, when I look in the mirror, I know who I really am. I am a blessing. I am a gift to this world – a gift to my family, my friends, my church.
I know that this new way of seeing myself can be life transforming. Many people don’t even realize how transforming it could be. It could change their lives. In fact, it could change eternity.
Father, I know that there are infinite possibilities in just small steps when You’re in them. A small step taken today could lead to a far better life than we ever imagined. So I pray two things for these dear people.
First, I pray that when Satan whispers in the shadows of their mind – when he gives them an out, an excuse – they’ll reject that thought. I know how badly he wants to keep them in the dark and get them to reject Your call.
Second, I pray that You’ll give us an open mind – to not be afraid and to be open to all the ways You might want to use us.
Father, help us be unselfish like Jesus. And, if you’ve never invited Jesus into your life, just say: Jesus, come into my life right now. Make Yourself real to me. I want to learn how to love you. Or: Jesus, I rededicate my life to serving You. In Your Name I pray. Amen.

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