Light a Fire

October 3, 2018
What would Jesus un-do? Indifference! Spiritual indifference. What about you? Could Jesus be talking to you?
What can you and I do to hit the switch and reignite that furnace of faith?
I could give you all kinds of advice. Be here every week. Read your Bible every day. Pray every morning, noon, and night. Get into a small group Bible Study. I mean, I could go on. Those are all good things. Those are all things that will work. The problem is, if I give you all of that, you’re going to be overwhelmed … so overwhelmed … you’re not going to do anything at all.
So, let me just give you one thing. One simple thing. And this is the most revolutionary thought I can give you. This might be the best thought I give you all year. So, don’t let this get away.
What is the one thing you can do to reignite your fire? Every day do something that requires faith. Every day. Every single day. Do something that requires faith. Something that you cannot do on your own.
What might that be?
• Maybe you’re going to stand up for someone that others are making fun of – maybe someone others are bullying at school or tearing down at work – you’re going to stick up for them even though the haters will probably make fun of you.
• Maybe you apologize to someone you hurt, even though they may not take it well … or maybe you’re going to forgive someone for what they did to you, even though they don’t deserve your forgiveness and they didn’t asked for it.
• Maybe you’re going to give a gift to help someone out – you’re going to be a blessing to someone – even though it stretches you outside your comfort zone.
• Maybe you’re going to take a step this week and show up at one of our small group Bible Studies and find out what that’s all about.
• Maybe you’re going to reach out to someone who God’s put on your heart, someone without Christ, and you’re going to open up about what Jesus means to you in your life.
I don’t know. Do something that requires faith. Every day do something.
And guess what? Suddenly, you’ll realize that you’re not just turning to God when you need something from Him. Suddenly, you’ll see that you’re not just keeping God on a shelf, like a tool you can reach for when you need Him. And suddenly, one day you wake up and realize, you’re a different person than you were a year ago. You used to be lukewarm. Now you’re starting to boil. You’re waking up in the morning with a purpose. You’re waking up in the morning with a passion.

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