
July 17, 2018
We don’t always understand God’s methods. His ways don’t always make sense to us, but we have to realize that God sees the big picture. Consider this possibility: You may be ready for what God has for you, but somebody else who is going to be involved is not ready yet. God has to do some work in another person or another situation before your prayer can be answered according to God’s will for your life. All the pieces have to come together for it to be God’s perfect time.
Your life is like a tapestry. How do you create a tapestry? By weaving together a bunch of loose threads. The weaver takes thousands and thousands of threads of different colors and he weaves them together into a pattern. Now, if you look at that tapestry from underneath, you will see only a bunch of loose ends and random colors and no discernable pattern. But when you take that tapestry, turn it over, and look at it right side up, you see that all of those elements were woven together to create a work of art – a masterpiece!
That’s how life is. Life is a tapestry. When we look at life from down here, we see only a bunch of loose threads. You can rarely see the pattern or make sense of it. But one day, we’ll be up above. We will be in heaven. We will see things from God’s perspective. And we will see how everything came together perfectly. Why, even the dark parts that we didn’t enjoy, even the ugly parts that we didn’t understand, all were needed and all had their place.
See, you don’t have to struggle. You don’t have to go around always wondering why God is, or is not, doing something. No, when you are trusting God, you can be at peace knowing that at the right time, God will keep His promise. It’s going to happen, and the good news is, it’s not going to be one second late.

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