The Compliment Club

June 7, 2017

Dr. George W. Crane was a professor at Northwestern University in Chicago.  One day one of his students, a young woman named Lois, came in and confided that she was having a tough time.  “I don’t know anybody here, nobody talks to me, and I’m thinking of dropping out.” 

 Dr. Crane’s mind began racing.  The next week in class, he made an announcement.  “I’m starting a new club.  I call it … ‘The Compliment Club.’ 

To be a member of the Compliment Club, you have to give an honest compliment to 3 different people each day for 30 days.  Then, at the end of the 30 days, you will write a paper on what you discovered.  You cannot get an A in my class unless you join my club and complete this assignment. 

 Before long, under the influence of the Compliment Club, Lois was no longer lonely.  She blossomed into a person who just lit up the room when she walked in.   

People are hungry for appreciation.  People are hungry for compliments.  People are hungry for kindness. 

 Somebody has to get the ball rolling by speaking first and saying a nice thing to someone.  You be that person!  Say something complimentary and encouraging to someone you meet everyday.  Join the Compliment Club! 

 Be generous with your compliments.  Be generous with your encouragement.  Be generous when it comes to giving away kindness.  As a bonus it will all boomerang back to you.  The Bible says, “A generous man will prosper; he who refreshes others will refresh himself.”  Every generous word and kind thought is going to come back to you and refresh you just when you need it the most.


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