The Difference Between Happiness and Joy

April 4, 2017
Happiness is external – it’s based on what happens around you.
Joy is internal … it’s based on what happens in you.

Let me tell you how this works. There’s a distinct difference between happiness and joy. Understanding that is the key. Most people think everything around them has to be going perfect in order to be happy. Folks, that day’s never going to come. So I’m talking about a building a joy deep inside – a joy that is internal, a joy that is eternal, a joy that comes from God.
Years ago there was a world famous comedian named Joey Grimaldi who kept people laughing all the time. Joey was so funny he was known to turn angry crowds into applauding audiences. But he wasn’t happy. He was a workaholic. He always felt pressured to perform better. He was a perfectionist, never satisfied.
Soon he became ill. He went to see a doctor. Joey had aged. The doctor didn’t even recognize that he was the famous comedian whose picture was everywhere. After examining him, he told him that there was really no medical reason for his illness, other than stress and overwork.
“Look, I don’t know what you do for a living,” said the doctor, “but I suggest you take some time off and relax. Go see that comedian Joey Grimaldi who’s in town this week. I hear he’s hilarious and laughter will do you some good.”
Joey looked at the doctor and said sadly, “But, Doc, I am Joey Grimaldi.”
A few weeks later, Joey collapsed and died from exhaustion. Sadly, he could make others laugh, but he never took time to laugh himself.

Don’t let that be you.
Joey had to go to a doctor. Well, I’m a doctor and I have a prescription for you: Proverbs 17:22. “A happy heart is good medicine and a cheerful mind works healing.” That’s my prescription! My friend, don’t get so caught up in all the pressure and stress that you don’t take time to enjoy life and see the humor in it.
Learn to laugh at even simple everyday things.