The Favor of God

June 14, 2024

The Bible tells us about somebody who really had troubles.  Think about the Bible story of Job.  He went through one of the most trying times any person could ever endure.  In less than a year, he lost his family, he lost his business, he lost his home, and he lost his health.  He had boils over his entire body and lived in constant pain.  But in the midst of that dark hour, Job said, “God, I know that you have granted me favor.”  


Now, here’s the amazing part!  There are 42 chapters in the Book of Job.  Job made this statement of faith in Chapter 10.  Things didn’t turn around for him until Chapter 42!  But, at the very beginning, when his troubles seemed the most hopeless, Job looked up and declared, “God, I know You have granted me favor!” 

That’s real faith.  Job was saying, “God, I don’t care what the situation looks like.  I don’t care how badly I feel.  You are a good God.  And Your favor is going to turn this situation around.”


Is it any wonder that in the end God restored to Job twice as much as he had lost? 


Friend, if you learn to stay in an attitude of faith, then nothing is going to be able to hold you down.  You may be in a situation today that looks impossible.  But don’t rule out the favor of God.  One touch of God’s favor can turn everything around in your life!

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