Women’s Ministry

Save the Dates and Mark Your Calendar!

Hello All !
Next week, we are indulging in our favorite summer treat!
Please join us for ice cream and women’s fellowship at
Northside Creamery, 519 Southampton Rd., Westfield, MA
on Tuesday, July 9, 2024, 7:00 P.M.
Feel free to invite anyone who might enjoy this outing with a fun, friendly group of women of faith.
You can RSVP using the link below, or just show up if it fits into your schedule.
We would love to see you!

Pursued: God’s Relentless Love for You

Our next Women’s Bible study will be on Wednesday nights at 6:30 in the Under Grind. 
It will run from April 17-May 22.
 Pursued: God’s Relentless Love for YOU  Bible study where Jennifer Cowart will explore God’s relentless love for us revealed in Genesis-Revelation.  This six-session study for women will help you realize that God want a personal relationship with you,
even when you feel you don’t deserve His love.
Contact Laura Simoneau at laura.simoneau@yahoo.com or call/text her at 413-455-9575 to sign up today!
You can also call the church office at 413-569-5151.
Contact Laura Simoneau if you’re not already and would like to be on our text/email list!
You can find her at: 413-455-9575, or laura.simoneau@yahoo.com
Here are the ideas that were shared at our potluck last season:
• pizza & game night
• movie night
• gathering to help fulfill a need for our church- cleaning, gardening, etc.
• Women’s retreat -for just a day, locally or away for the weekend
• Women’s conference- like BLOOM held at a local church
• Christian concert- like MercyMe
• Women’s Bible study
• expanding on CLC’s Care Team to meet the needs of our church members
• bus trip
• day trip to nearby location- like Magic Wings
• craft night
• afternoon at a local vineyard-like Lost Acres or Kosinski’s
• meet & greet at the Daily Grind

Please forward any and all ideas that you have for future Women’s ministry events!
Laura Simoneau
Women’s Ministry Facilitator