September 18, 2018
You know the story, don’t you? There was a little boy with a picnic lunch – a few fish and loaves of bread. He was part of the big crowd that followed Jesus out into the wilderness one day. Picture it: There were about 5,000 families there that day – so maybe 20,000 people total. Rock concert size crowd! They stretched from the foot of the mountains all the way to the Sea of Galilee. They were out there with Jesus all day long in the hot sun, and now evening’s approaching. “Send them away,” advised the disciples. “It’s dinner time. Tell them to go get themselves some food.”
“No,” replied Jesus. “You feed them.”
“What are you talking about?” says Peter. “That’s impossible! It would cost a fortune. We don’t have that kind of money.”
“Well, what do you have?” asks Jesus.
“Well, now, let’s see. There is one little boy who offered to share his lunch with us. He has five little flat loaves of barley bread and a couple of sardines. Fish and loaves. That’s it.”
But a little can become a lot when given to Jesus. They put the five loaves and two fish into the hands of Jesus. He blessed it and broke it and told his disciples to pass it out to the people. And it was amazing! He kept breaking up a little bit more and a little more …and it just never ran out. When they finished distributing the food, everybody in that rock concert sized crowd had their fill – and they had twelve whole baskets full were left over!
There is an important lesson in there for us: A little becomes a lot when given to Jesus. Whatever you place into His hands is multiplied.
Why did that whole big crowd in the Bible story get fed that day? Why? Because one little boy was willing to share the one little bit he had. Right? One little boy just using the little bit he had.
What if that boy had not been willing to share his five loaves and two fish? I guess Jesus could figure out some other way to care for the crowd, but it does seem to be a clear principle of faith that God works best when He has something to work with. It might be fish and bread – it might be your time and tithe – but you’ve got to give God something to work with.
What about you? Are there loaves and fish that you have that God can use in a miraculous way? It might be some material possession. It might be some talent. It might be that you’ve got some time to give. But I guarantee that there is something that you have – however small – that God could use to meet someone else’s need. You are the miracle someone else has been praying for.
Do you feel like you’re feeling empty, hungry, tired? Listen to me very clearly. You matter to God. What you are going through matters to God. And, not only does He feel a tremendous compassion for you, He is capable of doing something about it.
But you also have a part to play. God works best when we give Him something to work with. Just like that little boy who shared his lunch … you play a part in the miracle. Let God use you to meet somebody else’s need. Let God use you to be a blessing, be an answer to prayer, be a miracle to someone else. And here’s what you’ll find: When you meet somebody else’s need, God will find a way to meet your need. He … is … able!